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Autonomy and Authority:- 7

A Three-Fold Authority

There is a three-fold authority existing among the assemblies and to which they are all subject:

        (1) The Scripture viewed as the Word of God is the sole authority and infallible guide for all assembly practice, and the only judge by which matters of controversy may be determined (2 Tim. 3:16,17; 1 Tim. 3:14,15; 2 Tim. 1:13,14). Any assembly which ignores this ultimate authority calls into question its claim to be an assembly (Acts 2:42 ). Furthermore, Scripture is not to be repudiated and its authority questioned by the assembly. The Corinthian assembly was guilty of such an attitude in relation to the silence and subjection of the sisters in the public gatherings, and received Paul's rebuke when he expostulated with them, "What? came the Word of God out from you? or came it unto you only?" (1 Cor. 14:36).

This teaches two important truths relative to the authority of Scripture:
        (a) the assembly does not originate Truth but is subject to it;
        (b) the assembly receives God's Word in common with all other assemblies - there is no special Truth for any one assembly more than another, nor for any one land or area different from another. Truth is for all assemblies equally, irrespective of place or circumstances, language or race, and comes from One authoritative Source -God! The Apostle's teaching was "the command­ments of the Lord" (1 Cor. 14:37 ). The assembly stands under the authority of the Word of God.

        (2) Internal and functional authority within the local assembly is administered by the Spirit through the elders (Acts 20:28 ), who are described as "them that have the rule over you" Heb. 13:17 . This word "rule" signifies primarily to lead or guide, and indicates that the elders of an assembly are the spiritual guides or leaders who stand before the saints as a shepherd before the flock and lead by the power of a holy and humble example (1 Peter 5:3). They do not stand in relation to the assembly as kings to subjects, or lords to underlings, that is the way of the Gentiles, but their authority is a spiritual and moral one exercised through humble service toward God's flock (Luke 22:25,26).

        (3) Christ Himself is the supreme Authority both over the generality of assemblies as the one and only Head (Eph. 1:22 ), and "in the midst" of any particular assembly as the one and only Lord (1 Cor. 1:2; 8:6), for discipline through the elders (Matt. 18:20 ). This latter verse in its proper contextual usage makes the presence of Christ in the midst of the "two or three" who represent the whole assembly in "binding" or "loosing" in discipline the wrongdoer (vv. 15-17), the ground of their authority. His presence both guides their prayers should there be perplexity or doubt (v.19), and confirms their judgment (v.20). Verse 20 is the governing clause throughout the passage, and teaches unequivocally that the highest and most solemn authority for judgment or court of appeal for the believer upon earth, is the local assembly with Christ "in the midst".

        No other person or group has this Scriptural authority or promise, and no believer need yield to any other authority either! What a denial of Christ's authority and Head ship, and contempt for His presence and word therefore is implicit in shifting the centre of authority out of the local assembly and investing it in some person or ecclesiastical group.

        The believer in Christ, as a member of the local assembly therefore, bows to the three-fold authority of the Word of God, the elders of the assembly, and the Headship and presence of his Lord. He need neither bow to nor fear any other spiritual authority. He has been delivered from Satan's power, the threat of a broken Law, and from the ecclesiastical bondage of men, and now heeds the ringing exhortation of Paul, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage" Gal. 5:1.

Next:- Elders And Their Appointment

Prepared by Michael Browne, England as part of his teaching ministry.
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