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Knowing Christ More:- 5

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II. Poor understanding of Christ always leads to failures.

Just as the knowledge of Christ influences our life for better, the absence of it definitely has its repercussions. Our closeness to Him helps us to be transformed to Him, at the same time, any distance we keep from the Lord Jesus Christ leads to failure.

         For example, Peter experienced it twice. In Matthew 14:30 we read how Peter began to sink as he lost the focus of Christ. Luke writes, when Christ was arrested and taken to the High Priest's house, “Peter followed at a distance.” Luke.22:54. We read later that this action of Peter further deteriorated even to the denial of Christ. Luke. 22:55 —61. What a tragedy, when we go away from the care are blessings of the blessed Lord Jesus Christ.

         That exactly happens in our spiritual life once our eyes are taken away from Christ and the intimacy with the Lord is lost. Consider those New Testament churches with problems. We can notice that all of them had lost sight of Christ.

•  Corinthians: - Focused on people –asked to imitate Christ. 1Cor.11:1

•  Galatians: - Focused OT – rebuked them for losing sight. Gal.3:1

•  Colossians: - Wrong teaching – asked to fix minds on the place where Christ is. Col.3:1

•  Hebrews: - Looked back- asked to look to Christ. Heb.3:1; 12:1

•  Ephesians: - Lost love for Christ – advised to repent. Rev.2:1—5

•  Laodicians: - Put Christ out! -asked to open doors for Him. Rev.3:20.

In all these occasions we see the reason for the problems as well as the solution is connected to believer's perception of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Revelation 2, 3 we see the Lord Jesus Christ revealing some aspects of His glory that He unveiled to John.

         This shows one truth that, spiritual lethargy and failures in a Christian's life is basically the result of his departure from Christ. When a believer departs from Christ in his knowledge and devotion of Him, spiritual declension begins. As we grow in our knowledge of Christ and intimacy with Him we will experience spiritual zeal, growth and victory.

         No wonder David Brainerd wrote like this, “When my people are gripped by this evangelical doctrine of Christ and Him crucified, I had no need to give them instruction about morality.”

         So beloved, let us take conscious and serious effort to know more about the Lord Jesus Christ from the pages of the Bible and enjoy His power and presence in our daily life.

In this series of studies it will be our effort to study together the person of Christ and His work as set forth in the word of God.

Prepared by Nelson Thomas as part of his teaching ministry.
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