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The beautiful flavor of life
By Joy Murickal Issac, Kerala
One of the most interesting facts is life has many flavors to color it and make it fruitful. There are many joys, luxuries, sufferings, fellowship, loneliness, etc. Among these, several people have the experience that sufferings are the best.
I don’t think anyone in this world survive without suffering. Afflictions and sufferings are essential for nurturing human beings. As an example, if you want to study anything, you have to sacrifice your time and many comfort zones. The people who have knowledge take this as quite natural.
Understand different kinds of suffering and take measures to mitigate them. The following are the different kinds of suffering:
1. Sufferings for a positive result
2. Sufferings for a negative result
3. Sufferings due to illicit acts, wrong motivation, unhealthy practices, etc.
4. Sufferings due to natural processes such as old age, childhood, austerity, etc.Apostle Peter has written much about suffering, presenting the sufferings of Jesus Christ as an example (1Pet. 2:21; 3:18). Often, we do suffer for positive things and everyone enjoys the results. For example, hardships in connection with our education, construction of a house, profession, child-rearing, innovations, etc., are taken gladly. We must strengthen and train up our minds for the same, knowing the purpose and the final result.
Sufferings from negative things bring a lot of bad experiences in our life. Peter says it is possible to suffer for bad things too (1 Peter 4:15). Evildoers make many schemes and tricks and interfere in other matters. They spend time and resources on unwanted matters and finally reap the bad effects. Avoid unhealthy practices such as gluttony, laziness, indifference, etc.
Attitude Matters
When it comes to natural suffering, we may not be able to avoid that. However, meditating and practicing God's word brings in us a good attitude, easiness, and understanding. Many people normally say there is no meaning in the past. That is not true; actually, our past has a great influence on the present. So, lead a good life today to ensure a great future. Improve our planning and administrative skills to mitigate normal sufferings.Essentially a Christian can suffer for more rewarding purposes. Christian sufferings result in endurance forever. Make sure our sufferings are as per God's will. Jesus suffered to bring people to justification, sanctification, and redemption (1 Peter 3:18). Jesus Christ is our role model. Peter writes, “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps” (1 Peter 2:21) .
Finally, brethren suffer as much as possible to bring people to God. It is a great mission and the most rewarding hardship if we do it with purity, faithfulness, and a great mind. May God bless us to suffer with grace and have abundant rewards.
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