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Volume 19. No. 6 June 2024   Fellowship: Fragrant and Functional   PDF

Volume 19. No. 5 May 2024   Digital Discipline   PDF

Volume 19. No. 4 April 2024   The Power of Preaching   PDF

Volume 19. No. 3 March 2024   The Death of Christ   PDF

Volume 19. No. 2 February 2024   Troubled Minds:The Divine Response   PDF

Volume 19. No. 1 January 2024   The Utmost Duty of a Believer   PDF


Issue No.204 November 2023   MUTUAL SUBMISSION   PDF


Issue No.202 August 2023     BROKENNESS: THE BASIS FOR BLESSINGS     PDF

Issue No.201 July 2023     FORGIVENESS     PDF

Issue No.200 June 2023     CONCERN FOR THE CHURCHES     PDF

Issue No.199 May 2023     Falsehood and Deception     PDF

Issue No.198 April 2023     WORRY-FREE LIVING (Matthew 6:25 - 34)     PDF

Issue No.197 March 2023     “Sin No More” John 5:14     PDF

Issue No.196 February 2023     Growing in the Knowledge of Christ     PDF

Issue No.195 January 2023     Rejuvenation and Renewal     PDF

Issue No.194 December 2022     BELIEVERS’ SUFFERINGS     PDF

Issue No.193 November 2022     Spiritual Warfare     PDF

Issue No.192 September 2022     Whom Do We Manifest?     PDF

Issue No.191 August 2022     “Your God Reigns!” Isaiah 52:7     PDF

Issue No.190 July 2022     Misunderstandings: Reasons and Remedy     PDF

Issue No.189 June 2022     Your Mind Matters: Control your Thoughts     PDF

Issue No.188 May 2022     A Christian Response to the Rights of the Mighty    PDF

Issue No.187 March 2022     A Believer’s Priority   PDF

Issue No.186 February 2022     Perfectionism: Healthy or Unhealthy?       PDF

Issue No.185 January 2022     A New Beginning       PDF

Issue No.184 December 2021     Opportunity: Seized or Missed?       PDF

Issue No.183 November 2021     Conversion and Repentance       PDF

Issue No.182 October 2021     A Balanced Approach to Life       PDF

Issue No.181 September 2021     Divine Perception of this World       PDF

Issue No.180 August 2021     Believer’s Freedom in Christ       PDF

Issue No.179 July 2021     Beware, Selective Justice Everywhere       PDF

Issue No.178 June 2021     Present Sufferings and Future Glory

Issue No.177 May 2021     Our Security: Christ’s Concern, John 17: 11, 12, 15

Issue No.176 April 2021     Road to Restoration and Revival, 2Chro 7: 13, 14

Issue No.175 March 2021     The Mind of Christ: The Believer’s Privilege 1 Cor. 2:16c

Issue No.174 February 2021     Believers’ Penetrating Vision Heb. 11:13

Issue No.173 January 2021     Divine Presence in the Midst of Uncertainties

Issue No.172 December 2020     Time to Evaluate and Introspect

Issue No.171 November 2020     “Set your house in order” Isa 38:1

Issue No.170 October, 2020     Treasure in Earthen Vessels

Issue No.169 August, 2020     The Anguish and Assurance of Asaph. Psa 74

Issue No.168 May, 2020     Danger of formalism: Spirituality without Reality

Issue No.167 April, 2020     God Who Comforts Us

Issue No.166 March, 2020     A Believer’s Response to Unprecedented Calamities

Issue No.165 Janurary, 2020     A Purpose Driven Life

Issue No.164 November, 2019     Spiritual Men in the local church 1Cori 2: 15 – 3:1

Issue No.163 september, 2019     Christ’s Message to the Suffering Church.

Issue No.162 July, 2019     A higher level of Christian obedience.

Issue No.161 June, 2019     Believers whom Christ does not trust!

Issue No.160 May, 2019     What hinders the Word?

Issue No.159 April, 2019     God’s Forgiveness

Issue No.158 March, 2019     Ministry:- The Lord’s Working

Issue No.157 January 2019     Newness in the New Year

Issue No.156 December 2018     Four Things Allen Chau tells us

Issue No.155 October 2018     Preach the Word!

Issue No.154 September 2018     Sovereignty of God

Issue No.153 August 2018     Discernment in Spiritual Life

Issue No.152 June 2018     “Who have turned the world upside down” Act 17: 6

Issue No.151 May 2018     “You may know there is a judgment." Job 19:29c

Issue No.150 March 2018     Persecution and Christians

Issue No.149 February 2018     An awe-inspiring life

Issue No.148 January 2018     Knowing the Times

Issue No.147 November, 2017     “Sin No More” - Six things about sin

Issue No.146 October, 2017     With Christ on the Mountain Top. Matt 17: 1 – 8

Issue No.145 September, 2017     “Why are you so fearful?” Mark 4: 40

Issue No.144 July, 2017     Church: The possession of Christ

Issue No.143 May, 2017     The immutability of God

Issue No.142 April, 2017     Spiritual Edification

Issue No.141 February, 2017     Mindset that makes one happy. Matt 5: 3 – 12

Issue No.140 January, 2017    Opportunity & our responsibility.

Issue No.139 December, 2016    Divine Grace: Saint’s Privilege

Issue No.138 November, 2016    Five things about the world

Issue No.137 October, 2016    Christ and the Church

Issue No.136 September, 2016    Seven Things about Christian Sainthood

Issue No.135 August, 2016    Need Weepers!

Issue No.134 June, 2016    Be Steady and Balanced

Issue No.133 May, 2016    The Lord Our Encourager

Issue No.132 April, 2016    Spiritual Vision

Issue No.131 March, 2016    "Fear not……. behold I am alive”

Issue No.130 February, 2016    Stay Well Till the End

Issue No.129 January, 2016    Mind of the Matured.

Issue No.128 December, 2015    Not yet attained!

Issue No.127 November, 2015    Truth about Falsehood

Issue No.126 September, 2015    Amen, Come, Lord Jesus!

Issue No.125 August, 2015    Christ- centred life of a Believer

Issue No.124 July, 2015    PRAY OR PERISH!

Issue No.123 June, 2015    Beware of devil’s devices

Issue No.122 May, 2015    Time to wake Up

Issue No.121 March, 2015    Believer’s Sufferings

Issue No.120 January, 2015    “Be Ye Transformed” Rom 12:2

Issue No.119 December, 2014    Time: Saved or Lost

Issue No.118 Novemeber, 2014    Over – expectation

Issue No.117 September, 2014    “I am the LORD”

Issue No.116 August, 2014    The Presence of God: The Place of Enlightenment

Issue No.115 JUne, 2014   Confidence of a Christian

Issue No.114 May, 2014   Systematic Bible Study

Issue No.113 April, 2014   God’s Own Special People

Issue No.112 March, 2014   Our Union With Christ

Issue No.111 February, 2014   God who breaks us

Issue No.110 January, 2014   Living His Life

Issue No.109 December, 2013   When God seems to Keep Quite!

Issue No.108 November, 2013   Brevity of Life

Issue No.107 October, 2013    Knowing God through Sufferings. 2Cor 1: 3, 9.

Issue No.106 September, 2013    The Word of God and a Christian

Issue No.105 August, 2013    Freedom and its Abuse

Issue No.104 July , 2013    Tolerance and Discipline

Issue No.103 June, 2013    Examine Yourself

Issue No.102 May, 2013    Indwelling Sin Nature

Issue No.101 April, 2013    Effect of Christ’s resurrection in a Christian

Issue No.100 March, 2013    Death of Christ and a Christian

Issue No.099 December, 2012    Time to judge self, not others

Issue No.098 November, 2012    God’s Desire and Our Response

Issue No.097 October, 2012    Agreeing to Disagree.

Issue No.096 September, 2012    Impressive Spirituality

Issue No.095 JUly, 2012    Power of Truthfulness

Issue No.094 June, 2012    Sound of Silence

Issue No.093 May, 2012    Wonderful life of Warfare!

Issue No.092 April, 2012    Lessons from the Titanic Tragedy

Issue No.091 March, 2012   Why do bad things happen to good people?

Issue No.090 February, 2012    Divine leading: Believer’s Privilege

Issue No.089 December, 2011    Opportunity: seized or skipped?

Issue No.088 October, 2011    Cultivate a Positive Attitude

Issue No.087 September, 2011    Suffering for the Saints

Issue No.086 August, 2011    Freedom of a Bond Slave !

Issue No.085 July, 2011    Might of the Minority!

Issue No.084 June, 2011    Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding

Issue No.083 May, 2011    “The Giving Pledge”

Issue No.082 April, 2011    Because He Lives

Issue No.081 March, 2011     Unexpected World Events

Issue No.080 February, 2011     No more secret

Issue No.079 January, 2011     Christian’s Supreme Priority

Issue No.078 November, 2010     Separation: our strength

Issue No.077 October, 2010     Conviction & Commitment

Issue No.076 September, 2010     Believer’s Sufferings

Issue No.075 August, 2010     True Freedom: Enjoy it

Issue No.074 July, 2010     What’s in a Name?

Issue No.073 June, 2010     Logic or God’s word

Issue No.072 May, 2010    Love for the Church

Issue No.071 April, 2010     What’s happening to the World?

Issue No.070 March, 2010     An Agony that we Easily Neglect

Issue No.069 February, 2010    Message from a Graveyard!

Issue No.068 January, 2010     Divine Renovation

Issue No.067 December, 2009     Time to Examine Ourselves

Issue No.066 November, 2009     Technology: Help or Hindrance?

Issue No.065 October 2, 2009     Competitive Extravaganza

Issue No.064 August 29, 2009     Rights, Freedom and Christian Obligation

Issue No.063 July 27, 2009     Progressing Society and Degenerating Values

Issue No.062 June 30, 2009     Evangelism: Follow the Master

Issue No.061 may 30 2009     Christian Partnership

Issue No.060 April 27 2009     Summer Bible Study Camps

Issue No.059 March 16 2009     Believer’s Vulnerability

Issue No.058 and back     https://welovegod.org/guide/forums/forum/gracepeace and Remaining issues
