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Studies from 1 Peter 7b

Features of a Growing Christian. 1 Peter 1:22—2:3

2. Get rid of all evil. 1Peter 2:1

          What is there to ‘lay aside’ when they are already ‘purified’? cf. 1:22. It is true God has purified them at conversion as they obeyed the truth of the gospel. The effect of that cleansing abides for ever. That’s why we have been called saints. At the same time in our day to day practical life we need to cleanse ourselves from all the filthiness that could defile us. Cf. 2 Corin. 7:1.

          This truth is best illustrated in John chapter 13. While the Lord Jesus Christ washing the feet of the apostles Peter forbids Him. When the Lord says “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.” Peter asks for a complete cleaning – not just feet! Then the Lord Jesus replies, “He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean...”

          At salvation we have been bathed in the blood of Christ, now we need only a cleansing just like we wash our hands or feet often. If we do not examine ourselves repeatedly and make necessary clean-up it affects our relationship with the Lord and subsequently our spiritual growth itself. That in turn will affect our relationship with others too.

What are the things to lay aside?

          a. Malice: - An all-inclusive term refers to all kinds of evil. Speaks of harboring evil thoughts against another person-secretly hoping that some tragedy may come upon someone.
           b. Deceit: - Any form of dishonesty, trickery. Hidden agendas in dealings with others. Charming chat with ulterior motive!
          c. Hypocrisy: -Insincerity, pretense. Sweet talk while meeting face to face but condemning / criticizing secretly.
          d. Envy: - Not happy to see others prospering. Displeasure over other’s advantage. Their policy is, “I don’t have, and he also should not have”! Such people die daily. Proverbs 14:30
          e. Evil Speaking: - Slander, backbiting. Effort to show themselves good by projecting some one else as bad. This is character assassination.

          A growing Christian will get rid of all such evil. Then only he / she can grow and show true Christian love for another. In other words, if we find it difficult to adjust with others better examine our own heart!

3. Desire the pure milk of the word. V. 2

          In chapter 1:23—25 writer wrote about the word of God that produced life in them. Now he wants to say that in order to sustain that life- to grow- they need the same word of God.

          Peter compares the word of God to milk which is a wholesome food, especially for children. As a new born babe, Christian should crave for spiritual food. Nobody teaches a child to cry for milk! A desire for the word of God is a normal out come of our new birth. Absence of an appetite for food is a sign of abnormal health. So it is in a Christian’s life. If one has no interest whatsoever to read and understand the word of God, some thing serious is to be considered!

Check our appetite

          But the sad thing is we are worried over loss of appetite in our physical realm, but least bothered over loss of spiritual hunger. The Lord said to the believing Jews, “”If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed”. John8:31. Delight in the law of the Lord is a mark of a righteous man. Psa. 1:2

          What shall we do when our kids lose their appetite? We take them to the doctor. Often, the suggestion is to check if there is any worm creating problem inside! That’s exactly what we need to do when we lose a desire for the word of God.

          Various kinds of sins that easily ensnares us, destroys our spiritual perspective and aspiration for the things of God. As mentioned previously we need to thoroughly test our life within and ruthlessly deal with anything that is against the purposes of God. Such a cleansing will give us again a longing for God’s word.

What should prompt us to desire for the word?

          Other than our aim of growth writer adds one thing more that should force us to crave for the word of God. “You have tasted that the Lord is gracious”. V. 3

          According to Peter, our experience of salvation is only a tasting. There is much more to enjoy in spiritual life. Constant meditation of the scripture will help us to feed on the Lord. The more we feed on Christ the more will be our desire to know Him. That in turn will help us to grow in the Lord.

          A growing, healthy Christian is marked by sincere love, pure life and a craving for the word of God. They have tasted the goodness of the Lord and that forces them to know Him more through the Bible and grow in Christ.

          Are you a growing Christian? What hinders your growth? What takes away your appetite?

More:- Studies from 1st Peter // List of all the studies & articles

Prepared by Nelson Thomas as part of his teaching ministry. You are free to use it for your personal study.
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