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Studies from 1st Peter - 8d

I. Christ as a stone

10. Smiting stone. Daniel. 2:34, 35, 44, 45

        As the world leaders are trying to bring about a better world and a new world order, Messiah will come as a ‘stone cut out of the mountain without hands' and destroy the future world powers and establish His kingdom. None of His activities are of human hand. He is the sovereign God who does as He planned with out the help of any man.

All these features of this stone fittingly describe the various qualities of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the:-

•  Living Stone

•  Tested Stone

•  Rejected Stone.

•  Corner Stone

•  Precious Stone

•  Touchstone

•  Stumbling stone

•  Breaking stone

•  Grinding stone

•  Smiting stone

Who is Christ to us?

Is He precious to us?

Fall at His feet and be broken, before being crushed under the grinding stone.


II. The privileges of a Christian. 1Peter. 2:4—8.



Prepared by Nelson Thomas as part of his teaching ministry.
You are free to use it for your personal study. You can also reproduce this article in any medium,
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