Forgiven and Free

By Aby Kuruvilla, Mumbai

Have you ever felt the need to set your relationship right with someone you’ve offended - that longing to be reconciled; that desire to be restored; that need to be free from guilt?

Sinful woman

There was a woman, who in her city was infamously labelled a sinner (Luke 7:36-50). What her sin was is not recorded. But that sin of hers tarnished her public image.

One day Lord Jesus visited that city and was invited to a house for a meal. While Jesus sat at meat, this woman went to the house with a very costly ointment. She stood at His feet behind Him weeping, and began to wash His feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed His feet and anointed them with the ointment.

What she was doing no one in that house understood. Some were offended at that sight. Some were shocked. But that didn’t stop her.

She wasn’t perplexed by what people thought about her. Nor did she try to cover up her tarnished image. Instead, she had come to an understanding of her sinfulness and was seeking mercy. That is why she came to Lord Jesus Christ.

Merciful Savour

Why the Lord Jesus? We read in the scriptures, that he is God (John 1:1, Titus 2:12). This woman came to the realization and conviction of the Person of the Lord. He was no ordinary man, but God incarnate (John 1:14)! It had become evident to her that she was far away from God due to her sins.

The consequence of her sin was death according to God’s holy standard (Rom. 6:23). Her works or religious piety would not please God. She was helpless to save herself. The only way was to come in all faith and repentance before the Lord. We see in her actions, her heart’s broken condition due to her sins and her acknowledgment of the Lord’s power to save her.

The Lord’s purpose in coming into the world was not to destroy lives but to save them (Luke 9:56). In order to make possible this salvation, he had to once and for all settle the problem of sin.

Sin is not something that God can simply wink His eyes to. Its wages, that is eternal death, is a must for the sinner unless one takes his place. Jesus Christ became that exchange, that substitute for every man. He took upon Himself the punishment of our sins and died in our stead.

But being God, death could not hold Him. He rose again on the third day from the grave, defeating sin and death. Thus, having perfected the work of salvation, He provides in Himself an ever-present and efficacious cleansing for sin.

Forgiveness and Peace

The Lord told that woman, “Thy sins are forgiven... Thy faith has saved thee; go in peace.” Her sins which were many were forgiven in that very moment, and she went with her heart freed from the burden of sin and having peace with God.

Thus, we see that when we come in faith to the Lord Christ Jesus, we can enjoy forgiveness of sins and an eternal assurance of salvation.

Do you know it’s important to set your relationship right with God in this present life? Do you know that only in the Lord Jesus we can enjoy forgiveness of our sins? Would you be free from your burden of sin? Come to the Lord Jesus and be forgiven and free.



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 Sin Forgiven 
 The Way to God 



More:- An index for all studies

Prepared by Bro. Aby Kuruvilla Mumbai as part of his teaching ministry. You can reproduce this article in any medium, provided it is unedited, and retain the original author / copyright information and reference to this website    Please feel free to contact for details    gracepeaceu AT