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It's election season everywhere, and so are the political discourses and rhetoric. (According to the Times magazine, around half of the world’s population is going to polls this year.) One of the major methods of attracting the attention of the voters has been public speeches, either by its use or abuse.

History stands as testimony to the fact that one of the marks of an effective leader is the ability to communicate well. The leaders who could leave a lasting impact on the lives of their generation had successfully used their oratory skills. Speeches of Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King, etc., yet thrill their people.

As Christians, we are not ignorant of the importance given to preaching throughout the scriptures. We are well aware of the impact of the faithful proclamation of God’s Word in the lives of listeners. Yet, do we give the due place for the preaching of God’s Word?

Yes, we have many activities today and even eloquent speakers too to make a powerful homily. But the sad fact is that often the organizers of most of our meetings have a different priority. As a result, not many preachers are being used; also, at several meetings today, the time allotted for a sermon is far less than the time given for music.

In this context, it’s crucial for us to consider these questions: Do we consider the ministry of God’s Word just as a ritual? Are the speakers burdened to speak the truth of God’s Word expecting a Biblical transformation? Or are they abusing the pulpit for their own selfish ambitions?

Never forget that we cannot blindly adopt the persuasive style of oration used in the secular field for preaching the Word. For Biblical transformation in the lives of hearers, the Word of God must be articulated according to God’s own instructions.

It’s high time we rediscovered what Biblical preaching is. Hence, in this issue, we are looking into the importance of preaching. The first Christian sermon narrated in Acts 2 teaches us many valuable lessons on preaching.  We are also considering a few thoughts on expository preaching, because more than the topical and textual sermons, expository sermons are truly Biblical and much more effective.

Paul’s first recorded sermon found in Acts 13 is outlined for further exploration. Finally, a brief study outline on Psalm 32 will reassure our hearts with the joy and blessings we have in Christ.

May the Lord challenge and encourage you in your walk with Christ as you go through this edition of Grace & Peace. Please do not hesitate to share your thoughts and questions as well.

With sincere love and prayers,




Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 4| April 2024

 In this issue: -

Editorial: The Power of Preaching
Perspective: Preach the Word!
Outline:-1Paul's First Sermon
Outline:-2 Products of Preaching
Anecdote: Preacher at the Right Place
Study: Lessons from Apostolic Preaching
Practical: Expository Preaching
Meditation: The Forgiveness of Sin
Gospel:- Good Tidings

Worthy quote: Preaching



More:- An index for all studies

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