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A Call to Avoid Judgment

Bro. Paulson Joshua, Kochi

It’s all too easy to form opinions about others and make quick judgments without truly understanding their struggles. As followers of Christ, however, we are called to rise above these tendencies and embrace a standard of love, compassion, and grace.

1. Approach with Caution - The Dangers of Judgment:
Jesus Christ teaches us in Matthew 7:1, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” This powerful reminder urges us to evaluate others gently, recognizing that our own judgments can rebound back on us. Let’s commit ourselves to kindness and fairness as we encounter others in our daily lives.

2. Warning against Deceitful Judgments:
In John 7:24, Jesus cautions us, “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with righteous judgment.” It’s essential to see the deeper stories that people carry within. Each individual has a narrative that may not be immediately visible, so let’s seek to understand their experiences.

3. Walk in Justice and Humility:
Micah 6:8 instructs us to “do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.” These values should inform how we judge others. When we view others through the lenses of justice and mercy, we reflect Christ’s love and light.

4. Beware of Unjust Judgment:
The book of Proverbs (17:15) warns, “He who justifies the wicked and condemns the just is an abomination to the Lord.” As believers, we must commit ourselves to truthfulness and prioritize integrity in our judgments, ensuring fairness in our assessments.

5. The Perils of Pride:
“Pride goes before destruction” (Proverbs 16:18). A prideful attitude can cloud our judgment and our ability to show compassion. Embracing humility helps us remember our shared humanity and our constant need for God’s grace.

6. Embrace Equality - No Room for Favoritism:
James 2:1 advises, “Do not hold the faith with partiality.” In our community of faith, everyone deserves love and respect, regardless of background or status. Let’s celebrate the beauty of our diversity and fully embrace one another.

7. Mindful Speech - Avoid Gossip and Criticism:
James 4:11 warns, “Do not speak evil of one another.” Our words hold great power; let’s focus on building each other up rather than tearing each other down. Encouragement should be our language of choice.

8. Acknowledge God as the Ultimate Judge:
Romans 14:10 reminds us, “We will all stand before God’s judgment seat.” We must remember that we are ultimately accountable to Him for our actions. This awareness encourages us to engage in self-reflection rather than judging others harshly.

9. Focus on Your Journey:
In Romans 2:1, Paul states, “You have no excuse if you judge others.” Instead of casting stones, let’s turn our gaze inward and examine our own lives. Self-reflection is essential in our journey of faith.

10. Trust in Divine Timing:
God reassures us in Romans 12:19, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” We can have confidence that God will administer justice in His perfect timing. Our role is to love without judgment and to place our trust in His plans.

As we reflect on these truths, let’s remember that everyone we encounter has a story, and our judgments can inflict harm. God desires justice, mercy, and humility from each of us.

As a church, let’s commit to embodying these values, creating a space that reflects Christ’s love and treating one another with dignity and respect. Together, we can shine as a beacon of hope and compassion in a world that so desperately needs it.

Let’s choose to leave judgment to God, greeting one another with open hearts and lifting each other in encouragement. May we continuously strive to be a testament to our Savior, radiating His light wherever we go.  G&P



Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 11 November 2024

In this issue: -

Editorial: Judgment and Judgmentalism

Perspective: To Judge or Not To…...

Anecdote:- Failed discernment

Outline:- 'The Measure you use will be measured to you'

Study:-1 A Call to Avoid Judgment

Study:-2 Spiritual Discernment

Practical:- 1 The Right Form of Judgment

Practical:- 2 Criticism: Right and wrong

Meditation: - Judge your Judgment

Doctrine: Three Aspects of God’s Sovereignty

Gospel:    Divine Judgment




More:- An index for all studies

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