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How do we know that He is God?

6. The works of Christ.

The activities that God alone can perform are credited to Christ. If we find the Lord Jesus Christ is doing something that only God can do, what else shall we say about Him? He is God.

Let us consider few:-

1. Creation : - John.1:3

All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made.”It is God Almighty who has created every thing out of nothing. The New Testament writers attribute these work to Christ. Cp. Colossians. 1:15 —17. Hebrews.1:10; Revelation. 5:14. He is the origin, and superior to all-yes He is God.

2. Preservation: - Hebrews.1:3; Colossians.1:17.

Not only the Lord created, but He also upholds His creation. It is the Lord Jesus Christ who holds everything together by the word of His power.

3. Forgiving sins : -Mark.2:5—7; Luke.7:48.

When the Lord Jesus Christ said to the paralytic, “Son your sins are forgiven you”, the scribes began to murmur. They are aware, God alone can forgive sins. He assumed the divine prerogative. Not only he declared about forgiving sins, but actually forgave sins. If He was not God, it was a blasphemy indeed.

4. Raising the dead. John.11:43. Mark.5:41; Luke.7:14.

It is God who gives life. Around five times the Lord Jesus Christ said that it is His prerogative to raise the dead. John. 6:39, 40, 54; 10:17, 18; 11:25. Moreover, He did raise the dead to life, even the decomposed body of Lazarus.

Yes, some others also have done it, like Elijah, Elisha, Paul and Peter. But none of them have ever claimed the power to do so. They worked by a delegated power but Christ claimed to have the power to raise the dead. John.10:17, 18.

5. The numerous miracles of Jesus Christ . John.20:31.

All the gospel writers narrate number of miracles Christ performed. John says there are so many that he is not able to write all. Turning water in to wine, walking on the water, healing the sick, opening the eyes of the blind, stopingg the wind and feeding thousands with five pieces of bread and even His own resurrection, all of them proves the deity of Christ. He did that which God alone can do.

6. Future Judgment . John.5:22; Acts.17:31

We know, it is God who judges men and women. The Bible says that the future judgment of the world is handed over to the Lord Jesus Christ.cf. 2Timothy.4:1; Matthew.7:21—23; 25:31—46. 2Corinthians.5:10.

Next:- The divine attributes found in Christ.

Prepared by Nelson Thomas as part of his teaching ministry.
Though you are free to use it for your personal study,utilizing in any other form is prohibited.
Please feel free to write to the author for details. Or contact    gracepeaceu AT yahoo.com