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How do we know that He is God?

7. The divine attributes found in Christ.

         All the essential qualities and properties of deity are either found in the Lord Jesus Christ or attributed to Him. Notice seven divine traits that are found in the person of Christ.

         i. Eternal existence: - God exists eternally, so is Christ. John.1:1; 8:58; 17:5; Philipians.2:6; colosians.1:17. He exists from the beginning of no beginning!

          ii. Self-existence :- No other person or thing is the cause for God's existence. He has life in Himself. All life originates from Him. So is Christ. John.1:4; 5:21, 26; 10:17, 18; 14:6; 17:3—5; Hebrews. 7:16. He is the life, and gives it abundantly. John.10:10. All life-physical, moral, spiritual, eternal-has its source in the Lord Jesus Christ.

          iii. Immutability: - God never changes. So is Christ. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews.13:8.

          iv. Omnipotence: - God is all powerful. He has all the authority. So is Christ. Gospel narrates number of occasion when His power over the nature, demonic world, deceases, death etc was revealed. Luke.8:24.

         v. Omnipresent. Matthew. 18:20. He promises to be with the disciples always.

          vi. Omniscience. He knew all things. He knew the heart of men, the movement of the creatures whether in the sea or on earth. He knew the past, present and future. Mark.11:2—6; John.2:24, 25; 16:30. His knowledge was not the result of some intense learning process, but it was by immediate perception, for He is God.

          vii. Holiness: - God is holy and there is no evil in Him. He is the source of all goodness. So is the Lord Jesus Christ. Mark.1:24. Hebrews.7:26 He knew no sin, He did no sin and in Him was no sin. 2 Corinthians. 5:21.1Peter.2:22; 1John.3:5.
Notice that the Lord Jesus Christ was not just possessing the divine perfections and attributes, even the very essence and nature of the Godhead dwelt in Him. Colossians. 2:9. He was not merely God-like, but God Himself.

         So, because of these seven reasons we believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is God-fully and perfect.

         Yet, He chose to become a man, emptied Himself, veiled His glory, dwelt among men as an ordinary man, to die as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

         What a humiliation! What condescension! How we ought to praise Him and worship Him. Though for a while He was made lower than the angels, and common men, we see Him crowned with glory and honor at right hand of God the Father. Hebrews.2:9.

Prepared by Nelson Thomas as part of his teaching ministry.
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