By Nelson Thomas Mumbai

Apostle Paul’s life and service have been a challenge and inspiration to believers down through the centuries. One of his examples that we urgently need to emulate is his concern and selfless contribution to the churches of Christ. Because this is an area of Christian ministry quite often many neglect knowingly or unknowingly.

While narrating his sufferings for Christ as a cross-cultural missionary, Paul writes at the end, “Besides the other things what comes upon me daily: my deep concern for all the churches” (2Corinthians 11:28). That means, more than the physical and mental troubles he faced from various quarters, his concern for the local churches burdened him constantly. Day and night his mind had been filled with various matters pertaining to the local assemblies in different localities.

Concern Reflected

We can notice his burden for the churches being reflected in three different ways: -

  1. His preaching

He preached the gospel with all enthusiasm and commitment. For he knew the power of the message of the cross that saves and transforms even wretched sinners (Rom.1:16; 1Timo. 1:15). He was ready to ‘become all things to all men’, that he might, by all means, save some (1Cor 9:22). Paul realized that he is ‘a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians’ and failure to preach will bring woe upon him (Rom. 1:14; 1Cor. 9:16).

That’s why even when he was stoned at Lystra and dragged out of the city thinking him dead, he rose up and went to the next city to preach the gospel (Acts 14: 19 – 21). His ultimate goal in evangelism was to establish new local assemblies where there were none (Rom. 15:19—23).

He was happy even when his opponents preached because he knew that the preaching of the gospel will lead to the exaltation of Christ and the salvation of souls. That will subsequently benefit a local assembly either for its formation or edification (Phil. 1:15—18).

  1. His teaching

Paul always returned to those newly formed local assemblies to encourage and establish them in the faith. He never abandoned a congregation of saints. Even when he was away, he did everything possible for their wellbeing. He sent his associates to minister to the needs of the saints. Also, he prayed for them constantly, for their spiritual enlightenment and progress.

The Lord used his letters not only to exhort, warn and encourage the saints of the first century, but even today they remain as believers’ treasure house for church doctrine (cf. Acts 14:21—24; 20: 17 – 36; Col. 1:24, 25, 28, 29; 1 Thes. 2:7—12, 17; 3:1,2, 8—10, etc.). Thus, Paul’s commitment to the edification and growth of the people of God is inspiring.

  1. His self-sacrifice

Paul’s efforts to evangelize, establish and equip local churches were not easy. He had to suffer too much, from within and without, which he narrates in 2 Corinthians (2 Cor 4: 8 – 12, 15; 10:10; 11:12, 23—26). Yet, forgetting his own welfare, Paul wholeheartedly served the people of God. His words to the Philippian believers are touching,

“I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better. Nevertheless, to remain in the flesh is more needful for you……. all for your progress and joy of faith.” (Phili. 1: 23 – 25)

Notice, while in the Roman jail, he longed to depart and be with Christ which is far better; yet, he wanted to live just for the sake of serving the people of God – their joy and progress. He was even ready to minister to them with his own blood (Phil. 2:7).

Do we have such concern for the churches of Christ? What sacrifice, pain, and role have we taken for the establishment and growth of a local assembly?

Sad, there are people, even so-called leaders and ministers who, not only fail to help, even trouble, hinder and weaken the churches of God. We need men of God like Apostle Paul who genuinely care for the local assemblies of Christ everywhere.

Loving Service

In John 21:15—17 the Lord Jesus told Peter, that true love for Him should result in the shepherding of His church. ‘Feed my lambs’, and ‘tend my sheep’ are the commandments of Christ to those who claim to have a real love for Christ, because the Church belongs to Him. It is the fruit of His labor. The Lord Jesus loved the church and gave Himself for her. He is still concerned about the churches everywhere (Matt. 16:18; Eph. 5: 25 – 29).

Do we love and care for the Church? What is the goal of our spiritual activities? Is it to build up the church of Christ or something else? What is our contribution to the establishment and strengthening of local assemblies? Our loyalty and involvement in the church prove our love and appreciation for Christ. Let us do what the Lord is deeply concerned with, that is the local church.

Inspiring Revelation

What made Paul serve and suffer like this? Was it just to pass the time or make a show to maintain his position and prestige? Or was it to make a profit out of ministry? Absolutely not. The answer is found in Ep. 3:1—9.

The motivating factor in Paul’s burden and ministry for the churches was the divine revelation he had about the church of Christ; God graciously revealed to him those mysteries about the church which were hidden to the saints earlier (cf. Gal.1:15, 16). It was this unfolding of divine truths, particularly the church truths that moved Paul to preach the gospel and establish churches.

We too need such enlightenment on the New Testament assembly truths so that we will be burdened to establish, edify and equip local assemblies everywhere, even sacrificing our lives.




More:- An index for all studies

Prepared by Nelson Thomas as part of his teaching ministry. You can reproduce this article in any medium,
provided it is unedited, and retain the original author / copyright information and reference to this website.
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