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(Based on Joshua 1–8)

Nelson Thomas Mumbai

Many think it’s not possible to lead a victorious life as long as we live here on earth in this mortal body. Some others think it may be possible for certain spiritual giants, but for them it’s impossible because of their unique situations. They would say melancholically, ‘I can live only in this manner, may the Lord forgive me’!

Such thoughts about victorious Christian living are misleading. Of course, they may be sincere in their perception because of the repeated failures. 

However, if victorious life is something impossible, then the scripture would not have exhorted His people to ‘overcome’. It is because of the ignorance of the Biblical teaching on true Christian life we are plagued with thoughts of doubt and helplessness. So we will try to see this topic in a systematic manner according to the Word of God. 


What does living a ‘victorious Christian life’ mean? We will see the meaning in the negative as well as positive ways. 

  1. Negative:

  1. It is not sinless perfection.

Though perfection should be our goal as long as we live in this mortal body, the sin nature still abides within us. Denial is destructive as well as deceptive, (Cf. Matt 5: 48; 2Cor 7:1 cf. 1Jn 1: 8; Rom 7:15, 17). 

  1. It is not attaining and enjoying more material blessings. 

When our desires are fulfilled like getting the best education, job, family etc., the world may consider it as success. Nevertheless, such earthly things are not linked to a successful Christian life. Material blessings cannot be taken as proof of divine pleasure. On the contrary, often the wicked get more material benefits than the saints (Ps 73:3–7). 

  1. It’s not a trouble-free, easy life. 

Nowhere in the New Testament God’s people are offered a trouble-free life. Every Christian will have to face hardships, trials, sufferings, even attacks from the evil forces (Cf. Jn 16: 33; 1Pete 1: 6; Phil 1: 29; Eph 6: 12).

  1. It is not even doing more spiritual activities. 

Being very busy with many ministries, more programs, and more applause does not mean one is spiritual and victorious. Activity is not an evidence of spirituality. In spite of the many exemplary spiritual services in the Ephesian Assembly, the Lord found their lack of love and exhorted them to repent (Rev 2:2-5)

  1. It’s not even knowing and holding on to sound doctrine.

The local assembly at Ephesus was also known for a strict stand on doctrine. They even took action against the false teachers. Yet Christ found them failing and warned them of facing a possible disciplinary action (Reve. 2:5, 6). 

  1. Positive: Then what it is? 

To understand the meaning of victorious Christian life better, it’s good to compare it with the victory the people of Israel experienced. Where do we see their victorious life most clearly presented? It’s in the book of Joshua. As far as Israel was concerned, what was victory for them? What was victorious life for them? 

It was the possession of the land that God had promised for them (Jos. 1:3–6). Once they possessed their land - the land that flows with milk and honey - they also began enjoy many other things like, inheritance, prosperity, fruitfulness, rest, satisfaction, milk & honey, joy, and strength to stand against the enemy, etc. Thus, in the book of Joshua we see the promises of God being fulfilled, (Jos 11: 23; 21: 43–45; 22:4)

It’s also good to consider the features of the land that God gave them, like water source, minerals, God’s special protection, etc. (Exo 3:5, 18; Deut 8:7–9; 11:9–24; 26:9–15; 27:3; 28: 11).

So, we can summarize Israel’s victorious life in this way:

a.           It’s going forward. 

b.           Possessing and enjoying all that God intended for them.

c.           A life of rest, joy and satisfaction. 

d.           Experiencing victory over the enemies, having strength to stand against them. (Canaan is not a picture of heaven – there is fight; Canaan illustrates victorious spiritual life.)

That means, basically victorious spiritual life means to possess and enjoy all what God has promised for us.

              For Israel, it was the land and the things connected to it. But for us, New Testament believers no material blessings have been promised. All our blessings are heavenly and spiritual (Eph 1:3; 1Pet 1:5). Just like Israel found their blessings in the Land, we find our blessings in Christ (Eph 1:3). He is our inheritance. In Him alone we find our blessings like life, peace, satisfaction, rest etc. (Jn 17: 5; 16: 33; Eph 1:3; Matt 11: 29). We have everything in Christ. 

The more we know Christ, we enjoy more life, more peace, more rest etc. That’s why we need to continue to grow in our knowledge of Christ, (2Pet 3: 18; Phil 3: 8).

Finally, what is victorious Christian life? 

It is to experience and enjoy all what we have in Christ. It is to grow in our knowledge of Christ – being close to Him – walk with Him, walk like Him. Then experiencing its by-products: peace, rest, overflowing life, strength to stand against the enemy etc. It is then our life becomes useful for the Lord, and God is pleased in us. 


  1. God’s commandment. Josh 1:2

“Arise, go over this Jordan” – it is not an option for Joshua. He has to obey. It seems due to the death of Moses their leader they were very much depressed, even Joshua who is supposed to lead the people of Israel. Whatever may be the circumstances he should ‘arise and go over”. 

Similar exhortations are found in the New Testament too, (Reve 2:7, 17, 26; 3: 5, 12, 2). Notice the Lord promises reward for those who overcome. That is to encourage them to overcome. If they are not taking these exhortations to overcome seriously but just satisfied with a defeated life, its rebellion and wilful offence. 

God wants His people to be victors so He commands every one. Leading a failed life is an insult to God and of course a pleasure to Satan. Even if unpleasant, when difficult situations arise God’s people should move forward, grow in spiritual life enjoying all that He intents for them.

  1. God’s work for us. Josh 1: 2c, 3

The expressions, “I am giving” and “I have given” refers to God’s initiative in taking Israelites to Canaan from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. He has already given the land according to His purposes. But the people have to reach there. Unless they go and occupy the land, God’s work will not be completed. 

People of Israel could have reached Canaan within two years, but took 38 more years. Why did they wander in the wilderness? It was because of rebellion, unbelief, disobedience and murmuring etc., and as a result wandering – no progress – and even destruction. 

That was not part of God’s plan. The only reason why they took so much time to achieve victory is their own mistake. God redeemed them in order to bring them to Canaan. Exodus cannot be complete without their entrance to Canaan. Long gap between exodus and entrance to Canaan was unnecessary and avoidable if only they had trusted and obeyed Him. 

This is true in our life too. God has saved us not for a failed life. Not just to lead an ordinary life - a failed, useless life. He has saved us for abundant life, to give all the blessings of the heavenly places – just like the blessings of Canaan: - inheritance, rest, prosperity, fruitfulness, etc. (Exo. 3:8) - even much more than that - but the difference: their blessings are earthly, ours spiritual. G&P

 (To be continued…)

The more we know Christ, we enjoy more life, more peace, more rest etc.


Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 20 No. 01 Jan - Feb 2025

In this issue: -

Editorial: Truth amid Fake Stories

Perspective: The secret of True Christian Life

Anecdote: - Girl Raised By Pigs

Outline:- God's Relationship to His people

Meditation:- Suffering: Not the End.

Study:- Victorious Christian Life

Reflections:- Creation and it's Creator

Sermon:- Astonishing Things Among God's People






More:- An index for all studies

Prepared by Nelson Thomas Mumbai as part of his ministry. You can reproduce this article in any medium, provided it is unedited, and retain the original author / copyright information and reference to this website. For details contact gracepeaceu AT gmail.com

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