“Will thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?” Psa. 85:6
Here we have a sincere, serious prayer of the sons of Korah. Revive us, we may rejoice. He and his people are in a dead state now. No doubt they do have life as such, but that is only for name sake, true joy of life is not there, that abundant life is lacking. The movement of life, growth of life, expression of life is missing, that’s why psalmist prayed, “Will thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?”
Sad many of us, are not even aware that there is abundant life available! We think this much only is possible, life for name sake. No expression of life, no joy of life in Christ. Remember the words of Christ, ‘I have come that they may have life, life abundantly”. Jn.10:28
Oh, let us long for revival in our life. Let us pray and seek His face earnestly for life. His life - the manifestation of the life of Christ - will surpass all the other human limitation and lead us to joy, and happiness in the in ward parts.