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True & Abounding Love

Bro. David Joseph, Goa

Love is a word much used and misused all over the world. Some use it sparingly and others use the same in every sentence they speak. What is love in the real sense?
Love Misunderstood
There are many incidents where people have brutally killed the one they claimed to have loved more than anyone or anything. People look at something in the market and say “Oh I love that dress”, while others pick up their dog and holding it tightly say I love you. It is very common to use the word love for physical lust also these days. So what really is love?

Love Undeserving
To understand love we need to understand God, for God is love. His love has extended itself to every person. The Bible says ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life’, God so loved the world - a world or people- who have done every possible thing to provoke God to anger.

We have made ourselves thousands of gods; we have made up hundreds of theories to prove that ‘God does not exist and He is not the creator of man and the universe’. History records thousands who have been ridiculed rejected and tortured because they believed in God and propagated the same.

We have indulged in every form of sin, openly despising the law of God. We have destroyed creation and its beauties for our convenience, we have done everything for God to punish us with a fatal punishment, and yet God so loved the world.

Love & Justice
But please don’t be under the impression that because God is love so I can get away with anything I do. The loving God is also a righteous God. He will judge everyone for every evil they do. The wages of sin is death, and after death the judgment.

So where is love? Why does he want to punish if He is so loving?

My dear friend, it is the love of God that you are yet alive and not dead right now. It is the love of God giving you and me an opportunity to repent and get back to Him.

This very love of God has provided a way of escape to man, to you and me. Though we have sinned and done everything to displease God and bring His judgment upon ourselves a thousand times. He has provided a way of salvation. Because He loves you and does not want you to be punished with eternal separation from God and the horrible fire of hell, God has paid the penalty for our sins in the sacrifice of His dear son Jesus Christ.

Love incomprehensible
The Bible says in Romans 5:8 "But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  That is love, God’s love! He loved us not when we became good (We cannot be good on our own) but while we were yet in our sins. The Bible also says in Ephesians 3:19 “to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

Please don’t try to analyze the love of Christ with your limited and human understanding, for the love of Christ surpasses every human thought and boundaries to reach out to the fallen and wandering sinner, inviting him/her to a new and wonderful life in Christ all because God loves you.

Love Forgiving
Love was expressed in the most convincing and powerful manner by Jesus Christ when He suffered and bled and died for the salvation of mankind. A glimpse of that wonderful love is exhibited in the words of Lord Jesus while He was crucified, He prayed and said; ‘Father forgive them they not what they do’.

So dear friend, though it may not seem to be true it is. Yes God loves you. He wants to bless you; He wants you to enjoy God's presence in your life. Would you like to enjoy His love? Are you also one who is almost fed up with the false promises of so-called friends and others?

Real & Lasting
Are you also one who is seeking true love? One which changes not according to the situations of life, and does not depend on the Bank balance? A Love that is real and lasting and forgiving and understanding?

If yes, then God fulfils your desire and offers you everything you have sought and much more through His Son Jesus Christ. Will you please accept the invitation of God, and confess your need to Him who loves you, and is alive and waiting to cleanse, forgive and bless you?

I suggest you please take full advantage of the free gift of God, He certainly loves you, and you need His love to go through this life and the one to come. I am so glad to be an instrument in the hand of God to bring to your attention the amazing Love of God exhibited in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We will be happy to hear your response. We would also like to pray for you. Please feel free to communicate with us. God bless you. G&P



Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 12 December 2024

In this issue: -

Editorial: Divine Love in Action

Perspective: Seeking Love Actually

Anecdote:1 - Burning Snake

Anecdote: 2 - Church that Loves

Outline:- Seven Witnesses of Incarnate Christ

Meditation:- A love that Never Lets Go!

Exhortation:- True & Abounding Love

Reflections:- God with Us

Practical:- Divine Love




More:- An index for all studies

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