According to the provisional marriage figures for 2006 only 23 out 1000 unmarried men and 21 out of 1000 unmarried women UK choose to marry! This is the lowest level since records began in 1862.
At the same time number of single, divorced or widowed people rose in 2006. Also it has been reported that among those who opt for marriage, the majority are from South Asians living in UK. Many feel that at this rate marriage could soon become a minority house hold format.
When the society and even the government encourage not only divorce and re-marriage but also cohabitation and serial partnerships, what more can we expect, but the killing of the marriage institution itself.
Just recently a famous Indian actor who divorced at least two wives said, ‘marriage is folly and it will go away very soon!’
The only hope for mankind as always is to go back to the Biblical principles of marriage. It’s God who declared ‘it is not good for man to be alone’ and instituted marriage. By breaking His law and searching new avenues man is only going down to utter confusion and sin.
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