Anecdote: 1
Burning Snake
Once, a man saw a snake being burned to death and decided to take it out of the fire. When he did, the snake bit him. The bite caused unbearable pain. The man dropped the snake, and the reptile fell right back into the fire. The man tried to pull it out again, and again, the snake bit him.
Someone who was watching approached the man and said: ‘Excuse me, but don’t you understand that every time you try to get the snake out of the fire, it will bite you? Why are you being stubborn?’
The man replied: ‘The nature of the snake is to bite, but that’s not gonna change my nature, which is to help’
Source: KindSpring
Church that Loves
A few years ago, a little boy attended a Sunday school I know of in Chicago. When his parents moved to another part of the city, the little fellow still attended the same Sunday school, although it meant a long, tiresome walk each way. A friend asked him why he went so far and told him that there were plenty of others just as good nearer his home.
"They may be as good for others, but not for me," was his reply.
"Why not?" she asked.
"Because they love a fellow over there," he answered.
Source: Moody's Anecdotes
What is love?
- It is silence --when your words would hurt.
- It is patience --when your neighbor's curt.
- It is deafness --when a scandal flows.
- It is thoughtfulness --for other's woes.
- It is promptness --when stern duty calls.
- It is courage --when misfortune falls.
Source Unknown.
Worthy Quotes:
“Better is a dinner of herbs where love is than a fattened ox and hatred with it.” Proverbs 15:17 (ESV)
It is natural to love them that love us, but it is supernatural to love them that hate us.
Source Unknown.
“He who is filled with love is filled with God Himself”.