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Seven Witnesses of Incarnate Christ 

Bro. David Manchala, Hyderabad

The love of God is first mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy 4:37 and we can see a handful of references in this book about ‘God’s love’ towards His earthly people Israel. In the Book of Hosea, we also see His love towards the wayward Nation of Israel in future. 

In the Book of Romans, God demonstrated His love towards Gentiles (all). We will see ‘Love of God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ’ toward His heavenly chosen people in the book of Ephesians.

In John’s writings, we see, that God showed His love individually by sending His only begotten Son, (John 3:16, 1 John 4:9). God revealed His love for mankind by sending His Son in the likeness of man. The body of Christ Prepared by the Father, possessed by the Son and Produced by the Holy Spirit, is a Triune act, a holy act! What an unspeakable gift! 

Out of 4 gospel writers, Luke, the beloved physician, gave a birth certificate to our Lord Jesus Christ. Generally, chapter two’s in the Bible speaks about Jesus’ manhood such as Philippians 2 practically, Hebrews 2 doctrinally, 1 Timothy 2 evangelically, and Leviticus 2 typically. But, Luke 2 has a historical aspect. God manifested in the flesh. What a great mystery! 

God has to become flesh in order to Reveal God’s Word, Rule God’s will and Restore the relationship between God and man as a result of worshipping God. That is why He is the Prophet, King, and Priest.

Who can explain ‘Christ in the Cosmos as a helpless babe in the Crib at His birth?’ God’s love has gone beyond birth, from Manger to Majesty, from Crib to Cross. In this article, I would like to give seven witnesses to the Birth of Jesus Christ. 

1.    Priestly couple - Zechariah and Elisabeth (Luke 1) - Christ is our High Priest 
2.    Princely couple - Joseph and Mary (Luke 2) - Christ is our King of Kings and Lord of Lords 
3.    Prophetic couple (spiritual) - Simeon and Anna (Luke 2) - Christ is a Powerful Prophet 
4.    Celestial bodies - Angels and Stars (Luke 2, Matthew 2) - Christ in the Cosmos, now in crib and home.
5.    Social couple - Shepherds (Luke 2) and Wisemen (Matthew 2) (Highest and lowest in the society) - Christ is available for all social classes even today. 
6.    Historical couple - Caesar Augustus and Governor Cyrene of Syria (Luke 2) - History is ‘His’ story. He divided not only history into two but also humankind (believers and unbelievers) 
7.    Two Genealogies - Jewish line (Matthew 1) and Gentile line (Luke 3) - Christ broke down the wall of hostility between Jews and Gentiles. 

Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see, 
Hail the Incarnate deity! 
Pleased as man with men to appear, 
Jesus! Our Immanuel here! 




who seek love. G&P



Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 12 December 2024

In this issue: -

Editorial: Divine Love in Action

Perspective: Seeking Love Actually

Anecdote:1 - Burning Snake

Anecdote: 2 - Church that Loves

Outline:- Seven Witnesses of Incarnate Christ

Meditation:- A love that Never Lets Go!

Exhortation:- True & Abounding Love

Reflections:- God with Us

Practical:- Divine Love




More:- An index for all studies

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