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Sharpening Our Spiritual Perspective

According to a report published by WHO, more than 2.2 billion people worldwide suffer from some form of vision impairment; most of these could have been prevented with proper eye care. Medical experts say that there are hundreds of eye ailments, but many do not pay enough attention in time.

The same situation is found in connection with a believer’s spiritual eyesight. Even though the Word of God repeatedly speaks of the significance of spiritual insight, we often neglect it.

Vision Dominates
The Lord said, “The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!” (Matt 6:22, 23 ESV). Verse 24 makes it very clear that Christ was speaking about healthy spiritual eyesight that can brighten every aspect of our life.

Many believers neglect the fact that it is a spiritual vision that controls our entire spiritual life. Without vision, a leader in any sphere of life is disastrous. The wise man says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish”; the best example for this is Eli (Pro. 29:18 cf. 1Sam. 3:1).

Whether it is in the family, assembly, or society, most troubles are caused by men and women who have poor or no spiritual vision. They think and act from a worldly point of view. Their worldview is governed by fulfilment of their carnal desires and earthly benefits. Sadly, this imitation of possessing a worldly standpoint is more visible in certain spiritual services where event managers control the programme, instead of godly men.

Vision analysed
Understanding its importance, we are considering the various aspects of a believer’s spiritual outlook in this issue. After a general analysis by this writer, Bro. Tom Jacob discusses the various consequences of not having a spiritual perspective and cautions the readers to seriously examine their spiritual eyes.

Bro. David Manchala as usual, attractively outlines Colossians chapter 3 in the context of our topic. Serious Bible students can further dig deeper and find out precious truths about true Christian mindset.

Bro. Biju Itty deals with the practical benefit of spiritual vision based on the life of the heroes of faith and exhorts the readers to long for an advanced level of spiritual life to view the Lord in all His glory.
Bro. Aby Kuruvilla makes a comparison of the viewpoints held by a natural man as well as a spiritual man. While a believer values the things of God, appreciates Christ, and even longs to be conformed to Christ, for the natural man all these are futile.

Finally, on the heavenly perspective, we have added a brief study from Psalm 73 by Bro. Garry McBride for its practical value. He looks into various aspects of Asaph’s outlook and encourages readers to focus on Christ instead of present circumstances.

‘Fellowship in the Triune God’ by Bro. James Nair and a meditation on ‘Christ the fruit of David’ by Bro. Michael Browne also help the readers to sharpen their spiritual perspective.

A Higher Plane
It is our sincere prayer that this issue focusing on the believer’s spiritual vision may challenge all of us to take a fresh look at our spiritual outlook. Just like we experience a better and more beautiful view of a landscape from a hilltop or an aeroplane, let us long to be on a higher level of spiritual life to have an unhindered, flawless divine point of view. G&P



Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 7 July 2024

 In this issue: -

Editorial: Sharpening Our Spiritual Perspective

Perspective: Spiritual Vision

Study: Repercussions of Lacking a Spiritual Perspective

Outline:-1   Three Stages of Knowledge

Outline: - 2 Christian progress

Anecdote: - 1 Failed discernment

Anecdote:-2 Eyesight: So Amazing

Outline:-3 Spiritual Perspective of a Model Christian, Colossians 3

Practical: -1 Marks of a Man with a Heavenly Perspective

Study:- 2 Perception of a Natural Man and a Spiritual Man

Practical: 2  A Heavenly Perspective

Exhortation:  Fellowship in the Triune God

Meditation: - Christ the Fruit out of David

Reader’s Response: Rightly divide the Word


More:- An index for all studies

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