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“Come Unto Me”
Aby Kuruvilla, Mumbai
Consider the words of the Lord Jesus Christ –
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11.28)
“I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.” (John 6.35)
“Come unto me,” He says. He sets no demand of riches, religious standing, or regional background. But He wants us to, just as we are, to come to Him.
During the years of His public ministry, there came to Him many who were sick, afflicted, laden with burdens, and hopelessly lost.
One such was a woman who suffered from an issue of blood for twelve years. She spent all her living for her treatment but found no relief. Her agony was amplified by the social stigma that was associated with her disease. The custom of those times was such that whatever she touched became ceremonially unclean due to her disease. In her trauma, she came to Jesus and found relief.
In another incident, a woman had a daughter who was grievously vexed with a demon. A demon-possessed person had no control of themselves. It would cause hurt to the body which it possessed or even bring about convulsions. The mother was in great agony seeing her child grievously suffer. In her desperation, she travelled a great distance and came to Jesus, and she found relief.
There’s one more woman we can consider. This woman was ridiculed as a ‘sinner’. It is true that “all have sinned” and therefore all are sinners. But only a public sin would taint a person into being called by society a ‘sinner’. She was known by her sin. Oh the burden of regret and remorse she carried! She was grieved by her sin and needed forgiveness. In her sorrow, she came to Jesus and found relief.
Rest Unknown to the World
Is your heart burdened with a problem? Have you not as yet come to Jesus to find relief? There is a rest and satisfaction unknown and inexistent in this world that is found only in Jesus.
The burdens of this life are limited to the time we live in this world. But beyond this life, there is a life we have to spend either in heaven or hell. The only burden that we can possibly carry to the next life is the burden of sin. If we do not receive the forgiveness of our sins in this life, we are destined to eternal destruction in the next.
Christ Jesus came to once and for all take away the burden of our sin. “All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” (Isa. 53.6) He died in our stead taking the punishment of our sins upon Himself so that in His death and resurrection we can receive salvation and the forgiveness of sin.
Are you burdened about your sin? King David in Psalm 32 speaks of how he was agonized by an unconfessed sin. “When I kept silent, my bones grew old through my groaning all day long.” But he further explains of how he dealt with his sin. “I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD," And You forgave the iniquity of my sin.” (Psalm 32: 3, 5) He went to the Lord and found relief.
“Come unto me,” is the invitation from Christ to us today. Let us go unto Him and find rest and satisfaction for our spirit and soul.
More from this issue: -
- __ Aby Kuruvilla
Perspective: Troubled Minds:The Divine Response
Outline: ONE ANOTHER: Believer’s Mutual Responsibility
Anecdote: The Cost of Fortune and Success
Exhortation: THERE IS HOPE
Practical: The Speaking Trees
Gospel: “Come Unto Me”
Worthy Quotes: Believer’s Mind22/02/24
More:- An index for all studies
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