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Troubled Minds: The Divine Response
Nelson Thomas Mumbai
The recent suicide by a Pentecostal Pastor in India sent shockwaves among several born-again Christians. It’s disgusting to realize that throughout the world, number of pastors and priests have committed suicide in the recent times.
We used to hear about suicide of distressed students and farmers, but seldom have we heard about spiritual leaders who are supposed to comfort and encourage the depressed ones, end their earthly life.
It’s terrible to note that in spite of the best efforts by the authorities, the overall suicide rate is only increasing. According to statistics, worldwide around 8 lakh people die by suicide every year. In India, 1.71 lakh took their life in 2022, which is 4.2% more from 2021. Experts say that for more than half of them, the immediate causes were problems in the family and illness.
What does this mean? There are so many around us who are troubled and traumatized beyond our imagination. Remember, there are many others who silently suffer various forms of mental agonies. According to the latest data, one out of four suffers from some form of mental disorder. Earlier it was one out of eight! Mind you, this vast number of distressed people may also include some of our own people of the family or fellowship.
Definitely, questions such as the following abound:
- Can a born-again child of God commit suicide?
- Will a person who died by suicide go to heaven?
- Even questions like, can a born-again child of God be plagued with such mental disorders?
It’s good to discuss and debate on such topics to get clarity. However, in this article, we intend to highlight the fact that many of our own dear ones with whom we interact often may be facing untold miseries and concerns. It’s primarily important to be compassionate and considerate to them in their perils.
Yes, a true and healthy believer does not need to experience such emotional breakdowns. We have all the spiritual resources at our disposal to stay strong and survive such a state of affairs. Nonetheless, not all are spiritually healthy, and sadly, even not all are true believers either!
Human Frailty
Moreover, just as any healthy body could become sick, anyone can experience changes in the function of their brain too. It may be either due to physiological or medical issues; or adverse circumstances such as failures, various kinds of loss, etc. Add to that the guilt feelings due to unconfessed sins as well as satanic fiery darts could aggravate the situation.
Consequently, when their thought process or thinking habit is disturbed, it affects their attitude and behaviour. They may prefer to be alone as they fear to face people in public. Filled with negativity and bitterness, they will find fault with all except themselves. If unchecked, in the course of time, they may be plunged into several other mental disorders affecting their spiritual life as well as interpersonal relationships.
How do we Respond?
What should be our response to such disturbed believers? It is sad to notice that the most common response is that we ignore them. Even the so-called godly and able spiritual leaders prefer to keep mum in such circumstances, leaving the suffering ones to fend for themselves! All these responses are just an effort to escape the reality and save their face from the possible repercussions.
Biblical Examples
Scripture reveals the gracious dealings of our God toward such troubled hearts. Let us consider a few examples:
- The fallen and frightened Adam, Genesis 3:9-11
Here we have the beginning of all human sufferings whether in body or mind. It must be stated unequivocally that the root cause for all the trouble that man is facing today is sin and his rebellion against God. The passage teaches how man had to bear the consequences of his sin.
At the same time, it’s important to notice that God came in search of man even as he was experiencing the result of sin. God Himself did whatever could be done to solve the loss and fear Adam was facing then.
Here onwards we see God’s patient and merciful effort to help the fallen and troubled man to change and make him a better person. The zenith of this work of salvation is seen on the cross of Calvary when the Lord Jesus Christ gave Himself as a sacrifice for sinful man (Rom. 5:8).
- The burdened and despaired Moses, Numbers 11:11-15
Upset by the complaint of the people of Israel for provision, Moses felt so burdened and depressed, and he sought death! Even some commentators refuse to have any sympathy for Moses; however, we don’t see the Lord God almighty rebuking Moses, on the contrary, He makes the arrangement to lessen his burden. Nevertheless, v. 33 shows that the troublemakers had to pay the cost of rebellion.
- The tired and scared Elijah, 1Kings 19:3, 4
The man of God who brought fire from heaven is now running away and pleading for death, all at the threat of a woman! The Lord’s response to him also brings much comfort to all who face similar situations. The Angel of the Lord brought cake and water for his immediate need, and then, counselling, that too by visiting him twice with all patience (vs. 5-8). How thoughtful is our God, unlike man! He knew the current need of His servant. Therefore, Elijah too was restored.
We see numerous such examples in the Old Testament when God graciously dealt with the saints who were depressed even to the point of hating their life and restored them (cf. Job 3:21; 6:9; 7:15; Jeremiah 20:18; Jonah 4:3). Most of the psalms of David begin with lamentation but end up with praise and worship.
“For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5)
“Many are the afflictions of the righteous; But the LORD delivers him out of them all.” (Psalm 34:19)
The Compassionate Christ
In the New Testament also we see the same compassion of our Lord for all the brokenhearted. Throughout His public ministry, Christ comforted and reassured the troubled minds.
To a trembling woman He says, “Daughter be of good cheer”; to the helpless widow who was on the way to the funeral of her only son, the Lord said, “Do not weep”; to the penitent woman with tears the Lord said, “Your sins are forgiven… go in peace” (Luke 8:48; 7:13, 48, 50). Plenty of such incidents from the public ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ reveal His concern for the troubled minds.
His call to all who labor and are heavy-laden continues to challenge many. Similarly, His comforting words to the distressed disciples always bring hope and assurance to His followers (cf. Matthew 11:28; John 14:1ff).
However, one of the most touching examples of the Lord’s compassion for the brokenhearted is in connection with Peter. The one who resolved never to deny His Lord did so three times, and this broke Peter’s heart, he wept bitterly. Further, though he returned to fishing, yet the risen Lord visited His servant with breakfast and restored him (Matthew 26:33, 75; John 21: 5, 12, 15–17).
Emulate the Lord
This is the attitude we ought to have for the feeble, fallen brethren. In the epistles we see believers have been repeatedly exhorted to do so:
2Corithians 2:6-8: “This punishment which was inflicted by the majority is sufficient for such a man, so that, on the contrary, you ought rather to forgive and comfort him, lest perhaps such a one be swallowed up with too much sorrow. Therefore I urge you to reaffirm your love to him.”
Galatians 6:2: “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.”
Hebrews 12:12, 13: “Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.”
What a blessed privilege we have in the Lord Jesus Christ! When many around us fail to find any meaning in life and any rays of hope, we have everlasting consolation and sure hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. In addition, the enlightening and encouraging Word of God continues to motivate us.
We are not alone; apart from the ministry of the triune God, the prayerful support of fellow believers strengthens us to move forward despite all the setbacks in life. Let us make use of these divine resources and enjoy the peace and tranquillity that is nowhere else available.
Also, let us make sure no one among us would ever say, ‘Nobody cared for me’!
More from this issue: -Perspective: Troubled Minds:The Divine Response
Outline: ONE ANOTHER: Believer’s Mutual Responsibility
Anecdote: The Cost of Fortune and Success
Exhortation: THERE IS HOPE
Practical: The Speaking Trees
Gospel: “Come Unto Me”
Worthy Quotes: Believer’s Mind22/02/24
More:- An index for all studies
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