The Birth of Jesus Christ: Some Facts.
By Nelson Thomas Mumbai
Gospel writers Matthew and Luke narrate the birth / incarnation of Jesus Christ. cf. Matthew 1: 18 – 25; Luke 1:2 6 – 35. A careful study of these passages teaches us some valuable lessons.
1. Jesus Christ is a historical person.
He lived on the face of this earth around 2016 years ago. The place where He was born and lived still exists.
2. He was a real person.
He was not like a phantom….a super natural individual…He was born and lived like any of us. The only difference was that He was divine and possessed no sin nature with as all of us.
3. His birth was in a unique manner.
Both Matthew and Dr. Luke explain this matter. In fact this is what makes the Lord Jesus Christ unique. The wonder of Mary and the confusion of Joseph reveal the authenticity of this story. Mary says, ‘how is it possible, I have never known a man’? Joseph thought of cancelling the betrothal. To both of them the angel of God gives explanations to comfort and strengthen. Cf. Matt 1:18; Luke 1: 34 – 37.
Is it possible?
If we believe that God can do anything….this is also possible!
- First man Adam was created from dust.
- First woman Eve was formed man man’s rib.
- Isaac was born with special power was imparted to Abraham and Sarah in their old age.
- Christ was born / incarnated in a unique manner….God taking the form of a man in the womb of Mary.
When God wants to present a man…He has many options other than what we generally know….God Almighty is free to choose His way to fulfill His own purposes. Such a unique birth of Christ proves at least 4 things.
Proves His deity….He is God, not just man.
Proves His humanity….He is man…not just supernatural!
Proves His sinlessness …as He is not of man, did not inherit the sin nature of Adam.
Proves His ability / worthiness to be our saviour. No man can save a sinner for all are sinners. But God-man Jesus Christ in whom no sin existed is able to save us from sin.
4. He was born according to the predictions of the past. Matthew 1:22
None of us are born with any advance information of our nature, job, place of birth etc. But in Christ’s case all things about His birth….the place, the nature, His work and more clearly been prophesied. Cf. Isaiah 7:14; 9:6
5. His birth was not the beginning.
Our birth is the beginning of our existence. But the birth of Christ is not the beginning….that’s why we call it incarnation….He took the form of a man….He existed eternally… Isaiah 9:6 – notice the expressions, ‘the child is born….the son is given’….Son existed…….now took the form of a human child…He is the eternal Son of God. Cf. John 1:14; 3:16; 1John 4:9.
6. He was born with a purpose. Matthew 1:21.
None of us have been born with a purpose! We found our purpose of life as we grew old. His birth had a purpose… It was to save man from sin and give eternal life to all who believe in Him. Cf. Matt 18:11; Luke 9:56; John 3: 17; 1Timothy 1:15 etc. He was aware of His mission from the His childhood. Cf. Luke 2:49.
Truly, no one has ever born like Jesus Christ. Not only His birth, His entire life and works are unique. What a wonderful saviour we have!
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