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The Black Door: - Preference for the Known

Several generations ago, during one of the most turbulent of the desert wars in the Middle East, a spy was captured and sentenced to death by a general of the Persian army. The general, a man of intelligence and compassion had adopted a strange and unusual custom in such cases. He permitted the condemned person to make a choice. The prisoners could either face the firing squad or pass through the Black Door.

 As the moment of the execution drew near, the general ordered the spy to be brought before him for a short, final interview, the primary purpose of which was to receive the answer of the doomed man to the query: “What shall it be—the firing squad or the Black Door?”

This was not an easy decision and the prisoner hesitated, but soon made it known that he much preferred the firing squad to the unknown horrors that might await him behind the ominous and mysterious door.

 Not long thereafter, a volley of shots in the courtyard announced that the grim sentence had been fulfilled. The general, staring at his boots, turned to his aide and said, “You see how it is with men; they will always prefer the known way to the unknown. It is characteristic of people to be afraid of the undefined. Yet I gave him his choice.”

 “What lies behind the Black Door?” asked the aide. “Freedom,” replied the general, “and I’ve known only a few brave enough to take it.”

Source: Unknown

Worthy Quotes:


“Behind every saint stands another saint.”

________________Friedrich von Hugel

“When you meet frequently the forces of satan are annulled and his destructive power
is cancelled in the concord of your faith.”

__________________Ignatius of Antioch

“Consensus gives strength.”

_________________Latin Proverb

Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 6 June 2024

 In this issue: -

Editorial:    Fellowship: Fragrant and Functional
Perspective:    Believers’ Fellowship
Study:     Governing Principles in Biblical Fellowship
Outline1:    Chain of Fellowship
outline2:    Eight aspects of ‘Fellowship’
 Anecdote:    The Black Door: - Preference for the Known
Practical - 1:     Expressions of Christian Fellowship
Practical-2:    Uninterrupted Fellowship.htm
Meditation:   Hindrances to Christian fellowship.
Prayer:      Need Weepers!
Gospel:  Christ the Scourged


More:- An index for all studies

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