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Need Weepers!

Nelson Thomas

On the way to crucifixion, the Lord Jesus Christ told the lamenting women of Jerusalem to weep for themselves and their children (Luke 23:27, 28). It was not a sarcastic comment or a rebuke. As He was going to complete His mission on earth shortly, it was one of His last instructions to the people – mourn for their land and their offspring.

Present circumstances
Today, as we look around the globe, don’t we see the same terrible situation everywhere? Evil has penetrated into every aspect of human life that many tend to think this is the norm. On one side, in the name of freedom and tolerance, all kinds of wicked ways are allowed in society; and on the other hand, religious extremism has been growing to the extent of mass murder and destruction as never before.

Unexpected and unimaginable tragic events are being unfolded in different places. We have come to realize that there is no safe place on the face of the earth. At any moment anything can happen anywhere. Many are so worried and confused thinking about what to do and where to go for protection.

In the midst of such chaos and perplexity, what is our responsibility as Christians? We definitely know what is happening, and we are sure that our Lord has the answer for all the problems. However, we cannot stay cool and quiet with that faith, doing nothing.

If we have any concern for our generation, then it is high time for us to consider weeping. The Lord is calling upon every Christian to pray with tears that our land and our children may be spared from such anarchy and devastation.

In fact, weeping is part of the hellfire experience (Matt. 8:12; 15:42; Luke 16:24). Nevertheless, the Lord Jesus exhorts us to weep today. He even promised blessings to those who mourn now and pronounced woes upon those who refused to do so. “Blessed are you who weep now”; "Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep.” (Luke 6:21,25). That means, weep today and rejoice later or rejoice today and weep tomorrow!

Past examples
The Word of God says much about the tears of the saints and how God responded to them. We can notice that all the great servants of God wept during their service. Jeremiah is known as the weeping prophet. Seeing the state of his people and Jerusalem, he wept much (Jer. 9:1,2; 8:18,21,22; 13:17).

The Lord Jesus Christ also wept seeing the terrible state of Jerusalem as well as the sufferings of mankind (Luke 19:41; John 11:35). Apostle Paul says to the elders of the Ephesian assembly that he served among them with many tears (Act 20:19,31). His writings also were born out of tears (2 Cori. 2:4).

No, wonder the Psalmist states, “He who goes out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, bringing his sheaves with him.” (Psalm 126:6).

Tears are an essential part of our spiritual life. This is particularly true in connection with the work of God; weeping is its basic ingredient! Without tears, there is no success, no fruit and no rejoicing.

Results in the past
How does the Lord look at our tears? Plenty of examples show that God does take our tears very seriously. Our cry to Him will never go to waste. He measures and stores our tears in a container (Psa. 56:8). He will answer us graciously as we pray with weeping (Isa. 30:19, 20; 38:5).
Notice some examples:

  • Hagar and child cried; God saw it and did the needful, Genesis 21:16,17.
  • The Israelites in Egypt cried; the Lord heard and came down to save them, Exodus 3:7.
  • Israel cried out when the enemy subjugated them; the Lord heard and provided a deliverer, Judges 3:9.
  • Hannah poured out her heart with tears; she found the answer, 1 Samuel 1:10.
  • Hezekiah cried bitterly, and the Lord answered his prayer with miraculous healing, Isaiah 38:5; 2 Kings 20:5.
  • The Jews mourned with fasting at the danger of ethnic cleansing and found a miraculous escape, Esther 4:3.

So many scripture portions give us enough light on the need for special prayers with weeping and even fasting. As Mordecai reminded Esther, it is our responsibility to act today, for God has placed us in our respective locations for that very purpose (Esther 4:13, 14).

Alas, so many Christians, seem to be just lethargic and apathetic; they just take life casually. Where is the result of the daily Bible readings, weekly sermons and all kinds of so-called spiritual activities? What progress or change is taking place in the lives of Christians today? The major reason is the unresponsive and indifferent attitude of evangelical Christians (Jeremiah 7:13, 23, 24).

Look ahead
Beloved Christian believers, wake up! Our indifference is costly. Consider seriously the state of affairs today and of the near future. Let us open our eyes and see what is happening around us. Where are we heading to? Let’s waste no time, but plead with the Lord God Almighty to intervene. If we refuse to do that, the Lord Jesus foretold the consequences (Luke 6:25).

The Lord is calling upon His people everywhere to break their hearts, confess their sins and come to Him weeping (Jeremiah 3:21–25; 6:26b; 7:29b; Joel 2:12). He is searching for weepers, people who will intercede for the new generation and for their land. Let us understand the condition of the church today and make use of every opportunity to call upon the Lord.

On another occasion, the Lord Jesus said, “This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.” (Mark 9:29). There are occasions when we need to take spiritual activities seriously. A higher level of spiritual exercise is needed to face the ever-increasing satanic tactics. Prayers with tears are one such area that we should not neglect.

Divine Touch
However, tears come only out of pain and intense feeling. A heart touched and broken by the wonderful work of the Spirit of God using God’s precious Word is the basic requirement for true weeping before God. Without this divine touch, our tears may just be a show and have no value!

Psalm 84:6,7 show that all those who trust in the Lord have to go through the valley of weeping, but as they face it joyfully, they go forward with increased strength. That means, weeping is part of our spiritual path, which results in more power. Only at a later stage do we come to understand that the painful occasions in the past and the tears we shed have contributed to our blessing.

The Lord also promises that He will wipe away all our tears one day (Isaiah 25:8). ThePsalmist says, “Weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning,” (Psalm 30:5).

All over the world, we see spiritual services being degenerated into entertainment programmes. Talented men and women perform to entertain the audience. All are happy, for the artists get an opportunity to perform and the listeners enjoy it.

In the midst of such a mind-set, the word of God is calling upon us to weep! It may look contradictory, but the past examples prove its necessity. Also, the present times demand it!

Our tears will never go to waste. Let us weep for our children today and not later. Cry for the local assemblies, especially the leadership. Dear reader, when was the last time you prayed with tears?


Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 6 June 2024

 In this issue: -

Editorial:    Fellowship: Fragrant and Functional
Perspective:    Believers’ Fellowship
Study:     Governing Principles in Biblical Fellowship
Outline1:    Chain of Fellowship
outline2:    Eight aspects of ‘Fellowship’
 Anecdote:    The Black Door: - Preference for the Known
Practical - 1:     Expressions of Christian Fellowship
Practical-2:    Uninterrupted Fellowship.htm
Meditation:   Hindrances to Christian fellowship.
Prayer:      Need Weepers!
Gospel:  Christ the Scourged


More:- An index for all studies

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