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Fellowship: Fragrant and Functional

Fellowship is one of the blessed privileges of a born-again child of God. Not only are we in fellowship with the triune God, but with one another too. This unique relationship among the people of God emanates from our partnership with the Lord Jesus Christ (1Cor. 1:9).

We know many business firms and even governments have effectively used partnerships for the successful execution of various ventures which were otherwise difficult, if not impossible. Without the active and faithful involvement of each partner, no projects by those partnership undertakings would be successful.
That is true with Christian fellowship too. It is high time for Christian believers to consider the significance of a believer’s partnership with Christ so that ultimately the ‘projects’ of the Lord Jesus Christ will be accomplished efficiently.

Often, our consideration of fellowship is confined to local church associations or the participation in the Lord’s Supper only. However, our consideration of biblical fellowship in this issue of Grace & Peace brings out various aspects of fellowship described in the New Testament.

We begin with a survey of fellowship experienced by the early church from the writings of Dr. Luke. Pointing out the true meaning of ekklesia and the basis for true Christian partnership, the writer proves that it should be a natural, spontaneous outcome of conversion. In other words, a weak and disturbed fellowship is a sign of an unhealthy Christian life that needs urgent treatment.

While dealing with the basic principles that should govern the biblical fellowship, Bro. Aby Kuruvilla briefly touches upon various vital facets of fellowship. Though briefly, his reference to fellowship even with those who disagree with us needs to be taken note of.

Though as an outline, Bro. David beautifully divides Psalm 122 into 8 vital aspects of fellowship, which will benefit any serious Bible student.

From the story of Christ washing the feet of the disciples Bro. Biju Itty brings out the practical reflections of Christian fellowship. He does not mince words while exposing the hypocrisy of those who give great lectures yet refuse to intervene and help those who are in trouble.

The seven conditions required to enjoy uninterrupted fellowship with a local assembly presented by Bro. John Lee is brief yet covering most of the important aspects of New Testament Church truths.

Finally, on fellowship Bro. Tom Johns deals with the most common cause of hindrance to fellowship and the way to restore it. He asserts that when we display the fruit of the Holy Spirit, all obstacles to fellowship will disappear.

An article that calls for weepers based on the Lord’s words and a gospel meditation on the sufferings of our Saviour are fitting conclusions for this discussion.

It is our prayer that as you go through these pages, may the Lord bless and guide you to value and enjoy our partnership with the Lord Jesus more than in the past; so that each one of us sincerely long and sacrificially and contribute to a healthy and strong assembly fellowship.

May the Lord continue to bless and use all those who faithfully labour behind this humble effort. And thank you so much dear readers for your encouraging responses and prayers.


Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 6 June 2024


 In this issue: -

Editorial:    Fellowship: Fragrant and Functional
Perspective:    Believers’ Fellowship
Study:     Governing Principles in Biblical Fellowship
Outline1:    Chain of Fellowship
outline2:    Eight aspects of ‘Fellowship’
 Anecdote:    The Black Door: - Preference for the Known
Practical - 1:     Expressions of Christian Fellowship
Practical-2:    Uninterrupted Fellowship.htm
Meditation:   Hindrances to Christian fellowship.
Prayer:      Need Weepers!
Gospel:  Christ the Scourged




More:- An index for all studies

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