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Anecdote & Quote:

Liberty under Control

Dr. Ironside tells the story of Muslim convert from India, doing business in the US, who hesitated to eat pork during a Sunday school outing. It was a surprise to the believer who was serving the food.

 “Why Mr. Ali”, She asked, “you surprise me, are you still under the law that you cannot eat pork? Don’t you know that a Christian is at liberty to eat any kind of meat?”

And Mr. Ali replied, “I am at liberty, my dear young lady, to eat it, but I am also at liberty to let it alone. You know I was brought up a strict Mohammedan. After every three years I go back to India to render an account of the business to my father. He is really the head of the business, and to have a visit with the folks at home.

Always when I get home I know how I will be greeted. When I and the friends will all be sitting inside the house, and my father will come to the door, when the servant announces that I’m there, and he will say, ‘Mohammed, have those infidels taught you to eat the filthy pig meat yet?’ ‘No, Father,’ I will say, ‘pork has never passed my lips.’

Then I can go in and have the opportunity to preach Christ to them. If I took one of your sandwiches, I couldn’t preach Christ to my father the next time I go home”

Source: Unknown

Worthy Quotes:


“There are two freedoms – the false, where a man is free to do what he likes; the true, where a man is free to do what he ought.”

  _________ Charles Kingsley  

“May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please
but as the opportunity to do what is right.”

  _________ Peter Marchell

“Free will carried many a soul to hell, but never a soul to heaven.”

  _________ Charles Spurgeon  


Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 8 August 2024

In this issue: -

Editorial: Freedom: Valued yet Abused?

Perspective: Are We Free Indeed?

Practical: - 1      Free, yet in bondage!

Study:   Spiritual Bondage

Anecdote: Liberty under Control

Practical: -2 Can a believer be under bondage again?

Outline: - Seven Blessings in Christian Liberty

Practical: - 3  How to escape enslavement again?

Study: - 2  Believers’ Freedom in Christ

Exhortation:- Freedom and Restrictions

Gospel:  Freedom from Bondage



More:- An index for all studies

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