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Seven Blessings in Christian Liberty from Colossians

Bro. David Manchala, Hyderabad

The church at Colosse was likely established around 62 AD during Paul the Apostle's third missionary journey, when he spent three years in Ephesus. Paul himself didn't plant the church, but rather a Colossian named Epaphras who returned to Colossae after hearing Paul's message in Ephesus.
It can be studied in:

Chapter 1- Complete Christian and His Lord
Chapter 2 - Complete Christian and His Liberty
Chapter 3 - Complete Christian and His Life
Chapter 4 - Complete Christian and His Labours

The theme of the Colossian epistle is to focus on enjoying the blessings of Complete Christian Liberty. In the Colossian Assembly, four dangerous men have risen and confused believers. As a result of their teaching, these believers were not able to enjoy their complete Christian Liberty, one is confusing them by his words (2:4), the next one by his wisdom (2:8), the third one by his works (2:16), the fourth one by his worship (2:18)

“Christ plus something” - it is not the Complete Liberty 
“Christ minus Something” - it is not the Complete Liberty
“Christ plus Zero” - is True Complete Liberty

We were liberated because of our faith in Christ's death, burial and resurrection (Colossians 1:13-23)
Here I would like to outline the Seven Blessings we believers enjoy in Christian Liberty

      1. Liberated from the Slavery of Dominion of the Darkness (Col. 1:13)
      2. Liberated from the Sins and Self (Col. 2:11,12)
      3. Liberated from the Sanctions of the Law (Col. 2:13,14)
      4. Liberated from the Satanic powers (Col. 2:15)
      5. Liberated from the Sabbath and Seasons (Col. 2:16)
      6. Liberated from the Superstitions (Col. 2:21)
      7. Liberated from the Symbols and Stars (Col. 2:23)

Thank God, once we were like dead Lazarus but by believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ we were quickened, got life, loosened for liberated life.  May we enjoy Christian Liberty to its fullest extent. G&P


Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 8 August 2024

In this issue: -

Editorial: Freedom: Valued yet Abused?

Perspective: Are We Free Indeed?

Practical: - 1      Free, yet in bondage!

Study:   Spiritual Bondage

Anecdote: Liberty under Control

Practical: -2 Can a believer be under bondage again?

Outline: - Seven Blessings in Christian Liberty

Practical: - 3  How to escape enslavement again?

Study: - 2  Believers’ Freedom in Christ

Exhortation:- Freedom and Restrictions

Gospel:  Freedom from Bondage



More:- An index for all studies

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