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Freedom from Bondage

Bro. Aby Kuruvilla, Mumbai

A major focus in the ministry of Jesus was “to preach deliverance” and “to set at liberty” (Luke 4:18). The Bible tells us how he healed a woman who was sick for twelve years, and thus delivered her from her bondage of disease. He freed a demoniac who was kept bound in an isolated place, and thus delivered him from his bondage of demon possession. He restored the sight of a blind man, and thus delivered him from his bondage of disability.

Even today people experience different kinds of bondages. But there is one bondage that is greater than all these. That is the bondage of sin.

Lord Jesus said, “Whosoever commits sin is the slave of sin” (John 8:34). Whether minor or grave, intentional or unintentional, every sin that we do reveals our affinity to sin. However much a man shows himself as pious, yet the wickedness that breeds in his heart is not alien to him. We all need deliverance from this bondage of sin.

Two Facets
Freedom from sin can be sought after in two aspects. First from its power. Second from its presence. The latter is in a sense where sin has no influence on us. That is possible only with a change in this natural body and circumstances. Freedom from the power of sin is when our sinful nature can no longer dictate us. This can be experienced only if there is born within us another nature that is greater than our natural man.

Christ Jesus came into this world to give mankind freedom from sin, Satan and death. He taught, “They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” He also taught, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” And further, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (Mark 2:17; John 8:32, 36). ‘The truth’ leads us to ‘the Son’ Jesus Christ, who is both qualified and able to free us.

Jesus Christ, being the Son of God, was supernaturally conceived and came in the likeness of man. Therefore, the sin-stricken nature did not exist in him. The scriptures describe him as one who knew no sin, did no sin and in him is no sin. He is separate from sinners, and therefore qualified to deliver us from sin (2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Pet. 2:22; 1 John 3:5; Heb. 7:26).

The Basis
The consequence of sin is death, as per the holy standards of God. This is our bitter cup to drink, for we all are sinners in the sight of God (Rom. 6:23, 3:23). However, Jesus Christ died in our stead for our sins. In his death, He paid fully the ransom for our freedom. He was buried and rose again from the grave on the third day and is now in the presence of God. Having gained victory over death, He is able to deliver us who come to him for rescue (1 Cor.15:55-57).

The moment we trust Christ Jesus for our salvation, we are given a new nature. Sin loses its power over us. Furthermore, every believer is assured of deliverance from the presence of sin when the Lord returns for his own.

Yes, the Lord will return to this world, soon and for judgment. Everyone who has rejected him will be condemned to eternal damnation. Let us take heed and come to him while it is called ‘today’, and experience true freedom from sin that comes only through Christ Jesus. G&P


Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 8 August 2024

In this issue: -

Editorial: Freedom: Valued yet Abused?

Perspective: Are We Free Indeed?

Practical: - 1      Free, yet in bondage!

Study:   Spiritual Bondage

Anecdote: Liberty under Control

Practical: -2 Can a believer be under bondage again?

Outline: - Seven Blessings in Christian Liberty

Practical: - 3  How to escape enslavement again?

Study: - 2  Believers’ Freedom in Christ

Exhortation:- Freedom and Restrictions

Gospel:  Freedom from Bondage



More:- An index for all studies

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