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Reading Habits of Ultra-Successful People


An article on ‘Medium’ asks, "Want to know one habit ultra-successful people have in common? They read a lot." Warren Buffett would read 600-1000 pages a day. Bill Gates reads 50 books a year. Mark Cuban reads three hours a day. When asked how he learned to build rockets, Elon Musk said, "I read books." But one thing that marks their reading is education. They don't read to be entertained; they read to be educated. "They believe that books are a gateway to learning and knowledge."

All of these people live crazy busy lives, yet they see the value in reading. How much more so for the Christian who can read the Word of God? If you want to make progress in the Christian life, do one thing: read the Word. Of course, that Word also tells us to do one more thing: obey the Word.

Source: Andrew Merle / Preaching Today

Worthy Quotes:


“Show me an army of leaders and I’ll show you an army of readers.”

___ Napoleon

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

___ Richard Steele

“If you would benefit, read with humility, simplicity and faith, and never seek the fame of being learned.”

______ Thomas a Kempis




Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 9 September 2024

In this issue: -

Editorial: Reading that Revives and Reforms

Perspective: Diminishing Reading Habits

Study: How can I Develop a Bible Reading Habit?

Anecdote: Reading Habits of Ultra-Successful People

Outline:-1 Private Study

Outline: - 2 How to study the Bible

Reflections:  Once When Books were Rare!

Practical: 1 Practical Tip for Readers

Practical:-2    Benefits of Reading



More:- An index for all studies

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