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Nelson Thomas Mumbai

One of the worrisome outcomes of the digital revolution world over is the ever-declining reading habits, especially of the new generation. Educationists and social reformers vociferously warn against this modern phenomenon for they think it will create a society of distorted values, creativity, and analytical thinking.

Since 1995, UNESCO has celebrated April 23 as the World Reading Day. Different countries also have their own ‘National Reading Days’ to promote literature and reading among their population. When the secular world is so concerned about this social anomaly, how much more God’s people must be serious about this issue!
The Importance

1. Reading is God’s command for His people.

Not only the LORD wrote the law initially (Exo. 24:12; 34:1; Deu. 10:4), He commanded His chosen servants to write and make the scripture available for His people to read (Exo. 34:27; Num. 5:23; Rev. 1:3, 11). We ought to be grateful to those writers from Moses to Apostle John who faithfully recorded the Word of God for us.

There are plenty of scripture passages instructing the believers to consistently read and meditate the scripture (Deu. 6: 6-9; 11:18; 17:18, 19; Jos. 1:8; Isa. 34:16, etc.). That means our effort to write or read is in direct fulfilment of God’s purposes for His people.

2. Godly and effective leaders were exceptional readers.

Whether in the secular field or the spiritual realm, one common factor that we can notice in successful leaders is that they are all enthusiastic readers. Kings in Israel were required to be readers, Deu. 17:19, 20. One of the reasons behind the success of Joshua can be attributed to his faithful reading of the law, Josh. 1:8.

King Solomon was not only a reader but also an able writer. He taught his son to learn from his writings and be careful in choosing books, Ecc. 12:12.

Apostle Paul loved books so much that even as he was waiting for his final judgment and subsequent execution in the Roman jail, he told Timothy to bring his books and parchments, 2Tim. 4:13. Paul’s ability to quote freely from the secular writers of his time testify to his wide reading (Acts 17:28; 1Cor. 15:33; Tit. 1:12).

Paul also commends Timothy for his acquaintance with the sacred writings from childhood and encourages him to continue to read and study (2 Tim. 3:15; 2:15; 1 Tim. 4:13).

Even church history proves that the men of God who could influence and mould generations for true Christian life were readers. Remember, readers become skilled writers, thinkers, and influencers. Only eternity can reveal the value of such reformers who protected and promoted the truth for the precept and practice of the saints.

3. The far-reaching results of reading.
Another fact that should challenge one to be a serious reader is the benefits reading offers. There are plenty of scripture references that speak of the benefits of reading God’s word. We shall consider only one portion briefly where the rulers of Israel have been exhorted to read, Deu. 17:19, 20.

“And it shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these statutes, that his heart may not be lifted above his brethren, that he may not turn aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left, and that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he and his children in the midst of Israel.”

i. Increased knowledge. V. 19a “learn”.

The more we read, the more we learn the divine precepts. Such enlarged awareness and understanding of truth help one to make wise decisions (Psa. 119:98, 9

ii. Enriched attitude. “fear the Lord… his heart may not be lifted”

Constant meditation of scripture automatically moulds and develops our mind-set towards God and one another. One can easily lose the fear of God and become arrogant, but regular reading helps to check this.

iii. Balanced lifestyle. “may not turn aside from…right...to the left”

It is possible that one may be sincere and true, yet become narrow-minded and stiff-necked for lack of knowledge. But as we read a variety of views and thoughts, it gives light on different aspects of life. That saves us from taking extreme positions which is often unsafe.

iv. Success and prosperity. “He may prolong his days”

Israel’s future ruler’s success was linked to his faithful reading of the law. The same thing was repeated to Joshua (Josh 1:8). The success of a ruler may involve many things, but the Lord tells here that his reading of the scripture plays a big role in it.

v. Blessings to posterity. “he and his children”

Parents who love reading not only enjoy all the above-mentioned benefits but also influence their children to lead a godly way of life. Thus, the blessings of reading are passed on to future generations. It’s foolish to assume that parents can waste their time with digital devices and expect their children to read and study with discipline and dedication.

Of course, there are many more benefits like personality development, improved mental health and communication skills etc., which we may consider elsewhere.

Read Right
Once a lawyer asked the Lord Jesus, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Christ replied, “What is written in the Law? How do you read it?” (Luke 10:25, 26 ESV). That means it’s not enough to read, but we have to read right; comprehend and rightly interpret what is written. Then only we can wisely apply the same into our life to benefit from what we read.

The Ethiopian official’s words are noteworthy in this context, "How can I, unless someone guides me?”. He was answering Philip’s question, "Do you understand what you are reading?” (Acts 8:30, 31) He sought the help of the evangelist to learn the meaning of what he was reading. As a result, not only did he understand the passage but obeyed those precious truths and went his way rejoicing (Acts 8: 30-39).

This shows the importance of reading a variety of books and periodicals that will help us understand the scripture passages that are often obscure to us.

Brevity of Life
As we are well aware of the brevity of life and our busy schedules, it is important to discipline ourselves to find time to read and study our chosen topics.

One thing is sure: passionate learners are readers. Not only do they progress and prosper but also influence others for the better.

Your interest in reading this article till this line itself proves your passion for reading. That means God is slowly but surely developing you to be a blessing to many, because readers are learners and they become inspiring examples in the days to come. G&P



Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 9 September 2024

In this issue: -

Editorial: Reading that Revives and Reforms

Perspective: Diminishing Reading Habits

Study: How can I Develop a Bible Reading Habit?

Anecdote: Reading Habits of Ultra-Successful People

Outline:-1 Private Study

Outline: - 2 How to study the Bible

Reflections:  Once When Books were Rare!

Practical: 1 Practical Tip for Readers

Practical:-2    Benefits of Reading



More:- An index for all studies

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