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Reading that Revives and Reforms

Whether in the secular world or spiritual sphere, any revolution or reformation can be attributed to the right use of literature. It’s a well-known saying about many of the communist countries that it was missionaries who taught the people to read, but it was the communists who gave them literature to read. That was one of the reasons behind the widespread growth of such ideologies.

In the Old Testament, the revival under Josiah in Judah was the discovery of the law and its reading. (2Kings 22:8ff). So was the awakening among the Jews who returned from captivity during the days of Nehemiah and Ezra (Neh. 8). Church history also confirms this reality that whenever the people of God sincerely read and study God’s word, it leads to renewal and restoration.

In this background, we ought to be concerned about the declining interest in reading among the common people. As the secular world is alarmed at the deteriorating situation, God’s people must also be cautious and inculcate reading habits among the saints, especially the new generation.

So, for this month, we are focussing on ‘Diminishing Reading Habits’. In this article, we begin with the reasons why this topic is significant and conclude with a look at the far-reaching outcome of reading especially in the lives of leaders. Sad to notice that many forget writing and reading are also part of God’s command for His people.

Brother John Lee’s study focusing on ‘Developing a Reading Habit’ is instructive. Though brief, he deals with the reasons for scripture reading and the various ways one ought to read. In the end, his practical suggestions will help all who are struggling to maintain the right reading pattern.

Brother Tom Johns reflects upon the era when there were few books. He beautifully presents a comparison of the time when reading materials were rare and the advent of printing and publications. It’s challenging to recall that it was literature, particularly the printed word of God that removed the social, moral, and spiritual darkness that prevailed in many parts of the world, even in our own land.

Brother Biju Itty’s practical tips for readers are thought-provoking as they come with the support of the ‘prince of the preachers’, C. H. Spurgeon. The author’s tips are threefold: ‘Think and meditate, read good books, and supply food for thought!’

Brother Suraj Inamdar briefly focuses on the benefits of reading. He challenges the readers to be aware of the consequences of neglecting reading and presents a few valuable outcomes of reading, especially from the secular point of view.

Finally, as usual the brief illustration, sermon outlines, and useful quotations will help those who study this subject seriously. It’s our sincere prayer that through the reading of these pages, many will be encouraged to read and study seriously and systematically. It is such committed learners who become a blessing to one another bringing glory to God.

Thank you once again for your support and encouragement.

With Christian love and prayers.


Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 9 September 2024

In this issue: -

Editorial: Reading that Revives and Reforms

Perspective: Diminishing Reading Habits

Study: How can I Develop a Bible Reading Habit?

Anecdote: Reading Habits of Ultra-Successful People

Outline:-1 Private Study

Outline: - 2 How to study the Bible

Reflections:  Once When Books were Rare!

Practical: 1 Practical Tip for Readers

Practical:-2    Benefits of Reading



More:- An index for all studies

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