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News & Views:



  • On average 5.44 billion people worldwide are active users of the internet, which means 67% of the world population. Out of it, 62.6% (5.7 billion) are social media users.
  • In India there are around 751.5 million active internet users.
  • There are 487.5 million WhatsApp users in India.
  • With 462 million active users, India is the largest YouTube audience in the world, second USA (239 million), and third in Brazil (144 million).
  • In the USA 80% of the 18 – 24 age group are avid users of Facebook, 78% Snapchat, and 71% active users of Instagram.
  • A survey revealed, 85% of students admitted they wasted time using social media. 60% of students say their sleep pattern is disrupted due to excessive screens, and 35% admitted experiencing emotional instability.
  • Some time ago, two professors of Leuven University in Belgium studied 82 young volunteers, to study the state of their mind and social relationships during two weeks of Facebook usage. They found that those who spent more time with this social network site had a deterioration in their well-being than those who used less.



Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 5 May 2024

 In this issue: -

Editorial:    Digital Discipline
Perspective:    Technology: Help or Hindrance?
Outline:     Christian's Place in the World
Anecdote:    Feeding a Viper
Meditation:    The ABC's of Digital Discipline
 Study:    Thriving in Digital Influence
Practical - 1:     Protection from Pitfalls of Social Media
Practical-2:    Control the Use of Digital Technology.htm
News & Views:   Startling Statistics
Gospel:      Caution for the Soul
Points to Ponder:  Fourteen Tips to Digital Discipline


More:- An index for all studies

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