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      1. Sent in to the world, John 17: 18; 20:21.
      2. Preaching to the world, Mark 16:15.
      3. The light of the world, Phil 2:15; Matt 5:14.
      4. Live godly in the world, Titus 2:12.
      5. Not conformed to the world, Rom 12:2; John 17:15
      6. Love not the world, 1John 2:16; 2Tim 4:10
      7. Passing through the world, 1Peter 2:11
      8. No friendship with the world, James 1:27; 4:4

    George W. Noble


Grace & Peace e-periodical
Vol. 19 No. 5 May 2024

 In this issue: -

Editorial:    Digital Discipline
Perspective:    Technology: Help or Hindrance?
Outline:     Christian's Place in the World
Anecdote:    Feeding a Viper
Meditation:    The ABC's of Digital Discipline
 Study:    Thriving in Digital Influence
Practical - 1:     Protection from Pitfalls of Social Media
Practical-2:    Control the Use of Digital Technology.htm
News & Views:   Startling Statistics
Gospel:      Caution for the Soul
Points to Ponder:  Fourteen Tips to Digital Discipline





More:- An index for all studies

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